Which of the following is NOT a feature of reasonable classification?
Your result is as below :
UPPCS and other State Civil Services Examinations are the most sought after and rewarding career for any sincere and suitable candidate willing to work for the development of society and his state. It gives immense opportunity to implement plans, policies and programmes of the State Government from district to grass-root level. It requires knowledge about the History, Geography, Polity, Culture, Society and Economy of the State as well as current developments in Science & Technology, Environment and Ecology.
It has a slightly different approach than the UPSC Civil Service Examination and the syllabus of the examination also vary from state to state. Therefore, UPPCS and other State Civil Service Examinations require tailor-made dedicated strategy and planned efforts.
We, at VAID ICS LUCKNOW, help and guide students to prepare them separately for UPPCS and other State Civil Services Examinations with quality teaching, study materials, regular tests, holistic guidance, personalized attention and individual monitoring. That’s why we have achieved phenomenal success in securing top most ranks in the past more than 3 decades. Our results are testimony of our proven track record and therefore we call serious and dedicated students to join our courses (online / offline) to ensure success in UPPCS and other State Civil Services Examinations.
100% Coverage of prelims & Mains syllabus in a time bound manner (12-15 Months)
4-5 Hours daily classes Total 900+ hours classes during the entire preparation
English & Hindi
Dedicated support for answer writing skills trough evaluation of descriptive answer with improvement suggestions.
Covers Current Affairs from various News Papers, relevant Magazines & value addition from various Government Documents and NGO's reports.
For both objective and subjective questions to ensure regular assessment and improvement.
Personalized (1 to 1) Live interactive Mentoring session on zoom platform with our faculty.
Small size of offline and online batches for Personal Attention.
More than 3000 bureaucrats have been produced in all cadres since 1988 under the guidance of Dr. P.M. Tripathi Sir
Indian Polity
Experience: 23 Years
Science & Technology
Environment & Ecology
Disaster Management
Experience: 14 Years
Indian History
World History
Art & Culture
Experience: 15 Years
Indian Economy
Internal Security
Current Affairs
Experience: 13 Years
Experience: 9 Years
Experience: 11 Years
Essay Writing
Hindi Language
Experience: 18 Years
Indian Geography
World Geography
Experience: 7 Years
Aliganj Branch B-36, Sector-C Aliganj – Near Aliganj Post Office Lucknow – 226024 (U.P.) India
drpmtripathi.lucknow@gmail.com / vaidsicslucknow1@gmail.com
About Us
VAIDS ICS Lucknow, a leading Consultancy for Civil Services & Judicial Services, was started in 1988 to provide expert guidance, consultancy, and counseling to aspirants for a career in Civil Services & Judicial Services.
The Civil Services (including the PCS) and the PCS (J) attract some of the best talented young persons in our country. The sheer diversity of work and it’s nature, the opportunity to serve the country and be directly involved in nation-building, makes the bureaucracy the envy of both-the serious and the adventurous. Its multi-tiered (Prelims, Mains & Interview) examination is one of the most stringent selection procedures. VAID’S ICS Lucknow, from its inception, has concentrated on the requirements of the civil services aspirants. The Institute expects, and helps in single-minded dedication and preparation.
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