Current Affairs Quiz-4

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Current Affairs Quiz-4

Which of the following statements are correct regarding India’s challenges in making payments for oil imports from Russia?

  • Crude oil imports from Russia to India have surged, reaching over $31 billion in 2022-23, almost 13 times higher than the previous year.
  • The usage of the Chinese yuan for payments raises geopolitical concerns amid ongoing tensions between India and China.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Which of the following statements are correct regarding the Performance Grading Index (PGI)?

  • The PGI evaluates the performance of states and Union Territories in various parameters such as learning outcomes, access to education, infrastructure, equity, and educational governance and management.
  • Chandigarh and Punjab secured the highest grade, Daksh, in the PGI for the year 2021-22.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Consider the following statements:

  • The Deccan Traps are a volcanic region in India that was formed around 66 million years ago.
  • NanoSIMS is an advanced analytical technique that can be used to determine the composition and distribution of elements and isotopes at a microscopic scale.
  • The volcanic eruption that formed the Deccan Traps released a substantial amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, raising atmospheric levels to as high as 1,000 ppm.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about Dadabhai Naoroji?

Which of the following statements are correct about Nari Adalat?

  • Nari Adalats are women-only courts that aim to address issues such as domestic violence, property rights, and patriarchal norms.
  • Nari Adalats are being overseen by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, under the Sambal sub-scheme of Mission Shakti.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

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