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Daily PCS J Quiz : 9 Nov 2024

Which of the following statements are true regarding the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Act, 1920?


  1. The AMU Act, 1920, established Aligarh Muslim University as a central university with a distinctive status under Indian law.
  2. The AMU Act, 1920, provides for the creation of an “Executive Council” responsible for the administration of the university.
  3. The Act restricts admissions to only Muslim students and does not provide for the inclusion of students from other communities.

Consider the following statements:

  1. The Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) was declared a “minority institution” under Article 30 of the Indian Constitution in the case of Aligarh Muslim University v. Bihar State Board of Secondary Education (1967).
  2. The AMU (Amendment) Act, 1981 declared AMU as a “national university” rather than a minority institution.
  3. In the case of Dr. S. S. S. Zoya v. Aligarh Muslim University (2010), the Supreme Court held that AMU could not make admissions on the basis of religious quotas, and any reservation in AMU must comply with constitutional norms.

Choose the correct answer:

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the scope of Article 15(5)?

1.Article 15(5) allows reservations for admission to both government and private educational institutions except those that are unaided.

2. It allows for reservations in aided and unaided private educational institutions, but not in minority institutions.

3.Article 15(5) was challenged and upheld in M. Nagaraj vs Union of India.

Which of the following is true about Section 13 of the AMU Act?


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