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Daily Legal Quiz : 20 Sep ,24

Which of the following statements is/are correct about the due diligence by intermediaries under Rule 3(1)?

  1. Intermediaries must prominently publish their privacy policy and terms of service on their platforms.
  2. Intermediaries are required to host content that is defamatory or obscene as long as it does not violate any specific law.
  3. Intermediaries must remove or disable access to unlawful content within 36 hours of receiving an order from the government or a court.

Which of the following statements is/are correct about the grievance redressal mechanism under Rule 3?

  1. Every intermediary must appoint a Grievance Officer to address user complaints.
  2. Complaints regarding unlawful content must be acknowledged within 24 hours.
  3. All complaints must be resolved within 48 hours.

Which of the following is NOT a requirement under Rule 3 for intermediaries in India?

  1. Publishing their terms of service and privacy policy.
  2. Appointing a Resident Grievance Officer based in India.
  3. Ensuring all content is verified by fact-checkers before being posted.

Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding additional obligations for major intermediaries under Rule 3?

  1. They must appoint a Chief Compliance Officer based in India.
  2. They must publish monthly compliance reports.
  3. They must seek approval from the Ministry of Electronics and IT before removing content.

Which of the following is true about the time limit for intermediaries to act on unlawful content under Rule 3?

  1. Intermediaries must take down content within 24 hours of receiving a complaint.
  2. Intermediaries must act within 36 hours upon receiving a government order.
  3. Intermediaries must resolve grievances within 15 days of receiving a complaint.



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