• New Batch: 24 Feb , 2025
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Under Article 30 of the Indian Constitution, the right to minorities are guaranteed as under:

  1. The right is guaranteed to the religious minorities only.
  2. The right is guaranteed for linguistic and religious minorities.
  3. Right is given only to administer the educational institution
  4. Right is given to minorities to establish and administer the educational institution.
  5. The state is prohibited from making discrimination in the matter of grant of aid to any educational institution on the ground that it is managed by a religious minority or linguistic minority

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

Read the statements about ‘rule of law’:

  1. Rule of law is an important and fundamental pillar of a liberal and substantive democracy.
  2. The rule of law is not merely public order, the rule of law is social justice based on public order.
  3. The substantive ‘rule of law’ is the rule of proper law which balances the needs of the society and the individual.
  4. Substantive and liberal democracy is based solely on formal democracy.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

Which of the following provisions of the Statute of International Court of Justice lists “General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilised States” as the third source of International law?


A party who suffers loss as a result of a breach of contract can in the usual course claim:


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