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Daily Law /PCS J Quiz : 17 Sep 2024

Consider the following statements regarding Section 173(2) of CrPC:

  1. It mandates the submission of a police report after completing an investigation.
  2. The report should include details of the offense and the person accused of committing it.
  3. The Magistrate is bound to accept the report as final.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Consider the following statements regarding Section 173(2) of CrPC:

  1. Section 173(2) mandates that the investigating officer must submit the final report within 90 days of the commencement of the investigation.
  2. The final report must include a detailed account of the investigation, including the names of witnesses and the evidence collected.
  3. The investigating officer can request the Magistrate to exclude certain portions of a statement from the accused if they deem it necessary for the interests of justice.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Consider the following statements regarding Section 173(2) of CrPC:

1.A supplementary charge-sheet can be filed only if new evidence is discovered after the submission of the final report.

2. The Magistrate has the power to order further investigation if the investigating officer fails to submit the final report within the prescribed time.

3. The accused has the right to inspect the final report and its accompanying documents.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Section 173(2) of CrPC contains provisions regarding:

  1. Filing of the charge sheet after investigation.
  2. Timelines within which the investigation must be completed.
  3. The final authority of the Investigating Officer on the case’s outcome.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Section 173(2) of CrPC contains provisions regarding:

  1. Filing of the charge sheet after investigation.
  2. Timelines within which the investigation must be completed.
  3. The final authority of the Investigating Officer on the case’s outcome.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

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