• New Batch:- 05/03/2024
  • New Batch:- 05/03/2024


Public administration is the study of government. Since government is comprised of three organs – Executive, Legislature and Judiciary therefore, we can say that we study all civil functions of the government in public administration weather at central or local level. Hence to study public administration from competitive view point especially civil services, we need to keep a track record on all the latest developments/current affairs related to public administration and the allied areas.

Certain important websites, government reports, research and analysis of NGOs/SHGs/International Organisations, newspapers, magazines, some important channels and other think tanks must be carefully examined, studied and note making should be done accordingly. Hence public administration is highly dynamic, analytical and current based subject for civil services which not only helps as an optional paper but also plays a crucial and decisive role in general studies, essay paper and personality test.

Course Duration

6 Months


English & Hindi

Study Material

Well designed comprehensive book package


Dr. P.M. Tripathi Sir


European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

Canadian Institute of Public Administration (CIPA)

Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)

Indian Public Administration Association (IPAA)

International Political Science Association (IPSA)

Indian Political Science Association (IPSA)

National Association of Geographers India (NAGI)

PM Tripathi Sir

Teaching public administration for more than 2 decades having more than 300 selections helping, guiding and mentoring students has been a very rewarding journey for me. Being a life member of many national and international academic bodies related to public administration and political science have helped me a lot in understanding the depth, intricacies and nuances of this discipline from where I keep learning and comprehending this subject through conferences, workshops, journals, book writings and reviews. I myself prepare notes everyday for the current affairs portion of public administration and weekly conduct interactive discussion with my students on various important topics from the view point of main examination. After completing every unit of both the papers, sectional answer writing sessions and tests are conducted and every enrolled student is individually examined and personally looked after through SWOT analysis, so as to score maximum marks in this subject.

I conduct zoom meeting and WhatsApp calling after two weeks in order to take personal feedback of my students and solve their doubts/questions/queries if any. On completing paper-1 and paper-2 of public administration my entire R&D team along with IT Members conduct full length mock tests strictly under examination-like environment and students are encouraged to leave their hesitations/inhibitions to ask as many questions as possible and discuss the previous year’s question papers. That is how we have established a proven track record of highest success rate with this subject in the final selection of civil services examinations.


Course Information

Holistic Preparation

Interlinking of various topics and its overlap with GS PAPERS.

Sectional Test

Total number of 24 Sectional test of both Paper-1 & Paper-2. Evaluated test copy will be sent back to the students within 7 days after receiving the answer sheet.

Full Length Test

Total number of 8 Full length test of both Paper-1 & Paper-2. Evaluated test copy will be sent back to the students within 14 days after receiving the answer sheet.

Personalized Guidance

Unlock your full potential with personalized mentoring sessions tailored to your goals

Dedicated support

For improving answer writing skills through evaluation of descriptive answers with improvement suggestions.

Weekly Current Affair

Weekly Current Affair issues discussion published in The Hindu & The Indian Express News Paper.

Previous Year Paper

Discussion on previous year question papers. Analyze patterns, identify core themes, and refine your approach for a more targeted and effective preparation strategy.

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Important Videos


Course Fee

₹ 40,000/-

Offline Course
Hybrid Classes (Offline + Online)
  • Get all features mentioned above in course features section Classes in hybrid mode so offline classes can be seen online through live App.
  • Student can revise all class lectures through our App in hybrid mode.
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₹ 30,000/- 35,000

Online Course
Live Classes
  • Get all features mentioned above in course features section.
  • All classes is conducting in live mode so student can ask question during live session.
  • Separate Live Doubt in audio & video mode with our faculties.
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₹ 10,500/- 15,000

Pen Drive Course
Live Doubt Session
  • Get all features mentioned above in course features section.
  • All classes is in recorded form.
  • Separate Live Doubt in audio & Video mode with our faculties.
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Administrative Theory (PAPER-I)

1. Introduction:

Meaning, scope and significance of Public Administration syllabus ; Wilson’s vision of Public Administration; Evolution of the discipline and its present status; New Public Administration; Public Choice approach; Challenges of liberalization, Privatisation, Globalisation; Good Governance: concept and application; New Public Management.

2. Administrative Thought:

Scientific Management and Scientific Management movement; Classical Theory; Weber’s bureaucratic model – its critique and post-Weberian Developments; Dynamic Administration (Mary Parker Follett); Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others); Functions of the Executive (C.I. Barnard); Simon’s decision-making theory; Participative Management (R. Likert, C.Argyris, D.McGregor).

3. Administrative Behaviour:

Process and techniques of decision-making; Communication; Morale; Motivation Theories – content, process and contemporary; Theories of Leadership: Traditional and Modern.

4. Organisations:

Theories – systems, contingency; Structure and forms: Ministries and Departments, Corporations, Companies, Boards and Commissions; Ad hoc and advisory bodies; Headquarters and Field relationships; Regulatory Authorities; Public – Private Partnerships.

5. Accountability and control:

Concepts of accountability and control; Legislative, Executive and Judicial control over administration; Citizen and Administration; Role of media, interest groups, voluntary organizations; Civil society; Citizen’s Charters; Right to Information; Social audit.

6. Administrative Law:

Meaning, scope and significance; Dicey on Administrative law; Delegated legislation; Administrative Tribunals.

7. Comparative Public Administration:

Historical and sociological factors affecting administrative systems; Administration and politics in different countries; Current status of Comparative Public Administration; Ecology and administration; Riggsian models and their critique.

8. Development Dynamics:

Concept of development; Changing profile of development administration; ‘Anti-development thesis’; Bureaucracy and development; Strong state versus the market debate; Impact of liberalisation on administration in developing countries; Women and development – the self-help group movement.

9. Personnel Administration:

Importance of human resource development; Recruitment, training, career advancement, position classification, discipline, performance appraisal, promotion, pay and service conditions; employer-employee relations, grievance redressal mechanism; Code of conduct; Administrative ethics.

10. Public Policy:

Models of policy-making and their critique; Processes of conceptualisation, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review and their limitations; State theories and public policy formulation.

11. Techniques of Administrative Improvement:

Organisation and methods, Work study and work management; e-governance and information technology; Management aid tools like network analysis, MIS, PERT, CPM.

12. Financial Administration:

Monetary and fiscal policies; Public borrowings and public debt Budgets – types and forms; Budgetary process; Financial accountability; Accounts and audit.

Indian Administration (PAPER-II)

1. Evolution of Indian Administration:

Kautilya’s Arthashastra; Mughal administration; Legacy of British rule in politics and administration – Indianization of public services, revenue administration, district administration, local self-government.

2. Philosophical and Constitutional framework of government:

Salient features and value premises; Constitutionalism; Political culture; Bureaucracy and democracy; Bureaucracy and development.

3. Public Sector Undertakings:

Public sector in modern India; Forms of Public Sector Undertakings; Problems of autonomy, accountability and control; Impact of liberalization and privatization.

4. Union Government and Administration:

Executive, Parliament, Judiciary – structure, functions, work processes; Recent trends; Intragovernmental relations; Cabinet Secretariat; Prime Minister’s Office; Central Secretariat; Ministries and Departments; Boards; Commissions; Attached offices; Field organizations.

5. Plans and Priorities:

Machinery of planning; Role, composition and functions of the Planning Commission and the National Development Council; ‘Indicative’ planning; Process of plan formulation at Union and State levels; Constitutional Amendments (1992) and decentralized planning for economic development and social justice.

6. State Government and Administration:

Union-State administrative, legislative and financial relations; Role of the Finance Commission; Governor; Chief Minister; Council of Ministers; Chief Secretary; State Secretariat; Directorates.

7. District Administration since Independence:

Changing role of the Collector; Union-state-local relations; Imperatives of development management and law and order administration; District administration and democratic decentralization.

8. Civil Services:

Constitutional position; Structure, recruitment, training and capacity-building; Good governance initiatives; Code of conduct and discipline; Staff associations; Political rights; Grievance redressal mechanism; Civil service neutrality; Civil service activism.

9. Financial Management:

Budget as a political instrument; Parliamentary control of public expenditure; Role of finance ministry in monetary and fiscal area; Accounting techniques; Audit; Role of Controller General of Accounts and Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

10. Administrative Reforms since Independence:

Major concerns; Important Committees and Commissions; Reforms in financial management and human resource development; Problems of implementation.

11. Rural Development:

Institutions and agencies since independence; Rural development programmes: foci and strategies; Decentralization and Panchayati Raj; 73rd Constitutional amendment.

12. Urban Local Government:

Municipal governance: main features, structures, finance and problem areas; 74th Constitutional Amendment; Global-local debate; New localism; Development dynamics, politics and administration with special reference to city management.

13. Law and Order Administration:

British legacy; National Police Commission; Investigative agencies; Role of central and state agencies including paramilitary forces in maintenance of law and order and countering insurgency and terrorism; Criminalisation of politics and administration; Police-public relations; Reforms in Police.

14. Significant issues in Indian Administration:

Values in public service; Regulatory Commissions; National Human Rights Commission; Problems of administration in coalition regimes; Citizen-administration interface; Corruption and administration; Disaster management.

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B-36, Sector-C Aliganj – Near Aliganj Post Office Lucknow – 226024 (U.P.) India

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drpmtripathi.lucknow@gmail.com / vaidsicslucknow1@gmail.com

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VAIDS ICS Lucknow, a leading Consultancy for Civil Services & Judicial Services, was started in 1988 to provide expert guidance, consultancy, and counseling to aspirants for a career in Civil Services & Judicial Services.

The Civil Services (including the PCS) and the PCS (J) attract some of the best talented young persons in our country. The sheer diversity of work and it’s nature, the opportunity to serve the country and be directly involved in nation-building, makes the bureaucracy the envy of both-the serious and the adventurous. Its multi-tiered (Prelims, Mains & Interview) examination is one of the most stringent selection procedures. VAID’S ICS Lucknow, from its inception, has concentrated on the requirements of the civil services aspirants. The Institute expects, and helps in single-minded dedication and preparation.

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