Why in News ? March 7 marks the first Friday of Ramzan (or Ramadan), the Islamic holy month. Muslims worldwide observe roza, a ritual fast, during this period. The fast is broken at sunset with iftar, a meal of significant religious and cultural importance.
The word iftar originates from an Arabic term meaning “breaking of the fast.”
What Time of the Day is Iftar Partaken?
Iftar or Iftari is consumed at sunset, immediately before the Maghrib namaz (evening prayer). It follows a day-long fast and is one of the two meals during Ramzan, the other being sehri (or suhoor), which is eaten before dawn.
Though no specific food is mandatory for iftar, dates are widely consumed, as it is believed the Prophet Muhammad broke his fast with them.
Iftar is often enjoyed with family, friends, and the community. Additionally, providing iftar to the needy is an integral aspect, emphasizing charity.
What is the Spiritual Significance of Iftar?
Fasting during roza is a reminder of Allah’s blessings and sustenance. Iftar is a moment of gratitude to Allah for these provisions and an opportunity for self-reflection on life’s blessings.
The act of fasting and breaking it with a single meal symbolizes discipline and self-control. It encourages mindfulness about consumption and fosters inner strength to follow the principles of Islam.
What is the Social Significance of Iftar?
Iftar often involves communal gatherings where people eat together or share meals with neighbors and the underprivileged. It reinforces the shared experience of following Allah’s commands and strengthens bonds of kinship and community.
In 2023, iftar was inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, highlighting its cultural and communal importance.
According to UNESCO, the rituals of iftar extend beyond fasting individuals and include activities like prayers, storytelling, music, and preparing traditional meals. These practices foster solidarity, charity, and social exchange within communities.
While We are on the Subject:
What is the Correct Term, Ramzan or Ramadan?
Both terms are correct, with no definitive right or wrong. The ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar is pronounced Ramadan in Arabic and Ramzan in Persian. The latter is widely used in the Indian subcontinent.
Similarly, sehri (common in India) is referred to as suhur in Arabic. Both terms signify the pre-dawn meal consumed during Ramzan.