Unveiling Operation Storm Makers II: A Global Push Against Human Trafficking and Cyber Scams

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December 12, 2023

Unveiling Operation Storm Makers II: A Global Push Against Human Trafficking and Cyber Scams

Interpol Busts Human Traffickers Luring Victims with Fake Online Job Ads

Operation Overview

  • Interpol Headquarters in Lyon, France, orchestrated a specialized mission known as Operation Storm Makers II. This extensive operation unfolded between October 16 and 20, engaging law enforcement agencies across 27 countries, spanning beyond the Southeast Asian region. Focused on combating human trafficking and cyber scams, the operation delivered substantial outcomes:

Impactful Results

  • Human Trafficking Rescue: 149 victims were successfully rescued from dire situations.
  • Arrests: A significant number of arrests were made, contributing to curbing these illicit activities.
  • Extensive Checks: Over 270,000 inspections and police checks were conducted, aiming to dismantle these criminal networks.

Insights into INTERPOL

  • INTERPOL, the International Criminal Police Organization, is a global force fostering collaboration among law enforcement agencies worldwide. Here are some vital details about its structure and function:
  • Full Name: International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
  • Membership: Comprising 195 member countries globally.
  • Role: Facilitates coordination among police forces globally and shares crucial data on crimes and criminals.
  • Headquarters: Situated in Lyon, France, with a Global Complex for Innovation located in Singapore.
  • Operational Reach: Boasts several regional offices across diverse parts of the world.
  • India’s Involvement: India became a member in June 1956, housing its National Central Bureau (NCB) under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). NCBs act as the communication hubs between Interpol’s General Secretariat and other member countries, managed by police officials.

INTERPOL’s Functional Arm

  • Databases: Manages and oversees 19 police databases, enabling real-time access to critical information on crimes and criminals.
  • Investigative Support: Offers forensic analysis and assistance in tracking down global fugitives.
  • Red Notice (RN): Issues alerts worldwide regarding fugitives wanted for prosecution or serving a sentence. This notice facilitates provisional arrest pending extradition or similar legal actions.
  • Operation Storm Makers II stands as a testament to INTERPOL’s concerted efforts in combating the expanding reach of human trafficking and cyber scams, emphasizing the necessity for global cooperation in curbing such heinous crimes.

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Unveiling Operation Storm Makers II: A Global Push Against Human Trafficking and Cyber Scams | Vaid ICS Institute