Understanding the Southern Annular Mode (SAM)

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November 25, 2023

Understanding the Southern Annular Mode (SAM)

Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and Indian Ocean Weather Conditions -  Civilsdaily

Unveiling a Climate Game-Changer

  • The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), a branch within the Ministry of Earth Sciences, has unearthed a groundbreaking revelation about the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), a pivotal climate pattern with far-reaching effects. This discovery sheds light on SAM’s substantial influence on sea conditions across the expansive Indian Ocean.

Deciphering SAM: What It Is and How It Works

  • SAM, also referred to as the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), represents the north-south movement of the westerly wind belt encircling Antarctica. Its phases determine the extent of the wind belt’s movement, dictating weather patterns in the Southern Hemisphere.

Impact Unveiled: SAM’s Influence on Weather and Beyond

  • This atmospheric variability significantly impacts temperature, rainfall, and storm intensity in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s caused by differences in zonal mean sea level pressure between specific latitudes, affecting not just weather but also ocean currents and sea surface temperatures across the Indian Ocean, thereby influencing regional weather and marine life.

Climate Connection: SAM’s Link to Change

  • Recent research indicates a trend toward more positive SAM phases, a trend attributed to human-induced climate change. This shift doesn’t just affect weather; it also impacts Antarctic ice sheets and sea ice extent due to altered wind patterns.

SAM’s Far-Reaching Effects

  • SAM’s interaction with other climate phenomena, such as ENSO, its predictability, variability, and influence on marine ecosystems, notably in the Southern Ocean, make it a key player in long-term forecasting and ecological sustainability efforts.

Unraveling SAM’s Impact on Coastal Dynamics

  • Surface waves’ role in shaping coastal processes is crucial. Leveraging four decades of data, the research team uncovered distinctive effects during positive and negative SAM phases, affecting wave activity in the Indian Ocean. These insights allow for better coastal planning, impacting shoreline erosion, sediment transport, and recreational activities.

Applications and Benefits: Leveraging SAM Insights

  • Understanding SAM holds immense value for coastal planning, resource management, disaster preparedness, and advanced wave predictions. This knowledge benefits stakeholders in the blue economy, facilitating optimized operations in shipping, maritime activities, and the oil industry along the Indian coast.

Implications and Future Prospects

  • Identifying fair sea state windows during monsoons through predictive SAM phases aids inland vessel operations and oil exploration, contributing significantly to blue economy activities and ensuring preparedness for potential ocean-related disasters.


  • INCOIS’ groundbreaking findings about SAM’s influence on sea conditions across the Indian Ocean hold promise for numerous sectors, from climate understanding to optimizing blue economy operations, fostering a more resilient and informed approach toward coastal dynamics and ocean-related activities.

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Understanding the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) | Vaid ICS Institute