Understanding the Global Resource Landscape: Insights from Global Resource Outlook 2024                               

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March 13, 2024

Understanding the Global Resource Landscape: Insights from Global Resource Outlook 2024                               


  • The Global Resource Outlook 2024, unveiled during the Sixth United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA-6) in Nairobi, Kenya, offers critical insights into the utilization of resources worldwide.
  • Spearheaded by the International Resource Panel of the United Nations Environment Programme, this flagship report examines the pivotal role of resources in advancing the Agenda 2030 and international environmental accords aimed at addressing the triple planetary crisis.

Overview of Global Resource Outlook:

  • At its core, the report amalgamates comprehensive data, sophisticated modeling, and assessments from 180 nations, delineating trends, impacts, and distributional ramifications of resource utilization across seven global regions and four income brackets.

Key Findings:

  • Global Disparity in Resource Consumption: The report underscores a glaring global inequality, with affluent nations consuming six times more resources than their low-income counterparts, despite generating substantially fewer climate impacts.
  • Rapid Growth in Resource Production and Consumption: Over the past five decades, global production and consumption of material resources have surged by over threefold, growing at an average annual rate of more than 2.3 percent. This escalation, primarily driven by affluent nations, stands as a principal driver of the triple planetary crisis.
  • Impact of Resource Use on Emissions and Environmental Degradation: The extraction and processing of material resources, spanning fossil fuels, minerals, non-metallic minerals, and biomass, contribute significantly to environmental degradation. These activities account for over 55 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and 40 percent of particulate matter polluting the environment.
  • Contributions to Biodiversity Loss and Water Stress: Agricultural and forestry practices play a pivotal role in land-related biodiversity loss and water stress, accounting for 90 percent of these issues and a third of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Future Projections: Despite the evident environmental toll, resource exploitation is projected to surge by nearly 60 percent from 2020 levels by 2060, escalating from 100 to 160 billion tonnes.


  • The Global Resource Outlook 2024 serves as a clarion call for concerted global action to address the burgeoning challenges posed by resource consumption. As the world strives to navigate the triple planetary crisis, equitable resource management and sustainable practices emerge as imperative pillars for fostering a resilient and harmonious global ecosystem.

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Understanding the Global Resource Landscape: Insights from Global Resource Outlook 2024 | Vaid ICS Institute