Understanding the Gender Pay Gap: A World Bank Report Perspective       

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March 23, 2024

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap: A World Bank Report Perspective       


  • The gender pay gap, often cited as a significant marker of inequality between men and women in the workforce, has garnered attention worldwide. A recent report by the World Bank Group revealed that globally, women earn approximately 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, sparking discussions on the underlying causes and implications of this disparity.

Measuring the Gender Pay Gap

  • The International Labour Organisation (ILO) defines the gender pay gap as the difference in average wage levels between all women and all men employed in the labor market, irrespective of their job roles or qualifications. It is crucial to note that this disparity does not solely reflect differences in pay for the same work performed by individuals with comparable characteristics.

Variability in Calculation Methods

  • There is no universally accepted method for calculating the gender pay gap, leading to variations in reported figures across different studies and institutions. For example, while Pew Research and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics both addressed this issue, they employed different methodologies and arrived at slightly different percentages, underscoring the complexity of this phenomenon.

Factors Influencing the Gender Pay Gap

  • Several factors contribute to the gender pay gap, including disparities in labor force participation rates between men and women. Gender stereotypes and societal expectations often steer women towards lower-paying professions or roles, perpetuating wage discrepancies.

Occupational Segregation

  • Women’s concentration in certain industries or job functions, particularly those traditionally associated with caregiving or support roles, further exacerbates the gender pay gap. Studies have revealed a stark contrast in the distribution of men and women across various professions, with men dominating higher-paying sectors like engineering and computer science.

Part-Time Employment and Benefits Disparity

  • Additionally, a significant proportion of women worldwide engage in part-time employment, often due to limited opportunities for full-time work. Part-time roles typically offer fewer benefits and lower remuneration compared to full-time positions, contributing to the overall wage disparity.

Institutional and Socio-Economic Factors

  • Institutional biases and socio-economic constraints, such as the perception of men as primary breadwinners and disparities in educational investments, further perpetuate the gender pay gap. Issues like safety concerns during commutes and at workplaces also impact women’s career trajectories and earning potential.

Implications and Future Perspectives

  • Analyzing employment data based on age reveals notable trends, including a decline in women’s earnings relative to men as they progress in their careers. The “motherhood penalty” underscores the challenges women face in balancing family responsibilities with career advancement, often resulting in diminished earning prospects.


  • Addressing the gender pay gap requires concerted efforts to challenge societal norms, promote gender equality in education and employment, and implement policies that support work-life balance. While progress has been made, closing the gender pay gap remains a complex and multifaceted endeavor, necessitating ongoing dialogue and action at individual, institutional, and policy levels.

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Understanding the Gender Pay Gap: A World Bank Report Perspective | Vaid ICS Institute