Understanding Rock Glaciers: Unveiling Potential Catastrophes in the Jhelum Basin

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January 12, 2024

Understanding Rock Glaciers: Unveiling Potential Catastrophes in the Jhelum Basin


  • A recent study in the Jhelum basin has brought attention to the presence of over 100 active permafrost structures, known as rock glaciers, and their potential to trigger catastrophic disasters in the future. This article delves into the characteristics, formation, and impacts of rock glaciers.

What are Rock Glaciers?

  • A rock glacier is a slow-moving mass comprised of rock, ice, snow, mud, and water, descending down a mountain due to gravitational forces. Unlike traditional ice glaciers, rock glaciers typically reveal minimal surface ice. They may either consist of ice covered by rock debris or rock with embedded ice.

Formation of Rock Glaciers:

  • These geological formations typically take shape in mountainous areas where permafrost, rock debris, and ice coexist. One common scenario involves a pre-existing glacier accumulating debris and rocks during its movement. If the glacier recedes or thaws over time, the debris-covered ice transforms into a rock glacier. The classification of rock glaciers as ‘active’ or ‘relict’ is based on the presence of permafrost, discernible through the appearance of rock surfaces.

Impacts of Rock Glaciers:

Risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs):

  • One significant impact of rock glaciers is the heightened risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs). The movement and melting of the ice within these structures can contribute to the formation of glacial lakes, increasing the potential for devastating outburst floods.

Increased Landslide Frequency:

  • The presence of rock glaciers may lead to more frequent landslides. As the ice within the structure melts, the land on top becomes destabilized, making it prone to landslides. This poses a potential threat to the surrounding areas.


  • In conclusion, the study in the Jhelum basin underscores the importance of understanding rock glaciers and their implications. As these slow-moving masses continue to shape the landscape, the associated risks, including GLOFs and landslides, necessitate careful monitoring and proactive measures to mitigate potential disasters.

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Understanding Rock Glaciers: Unveiling Potential Catastrophes in the Jhelum Basin | Vaid ICS Institute