The National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA):

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June 19, 2024

The National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA):

Why in News? The National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) will wrap up its first annual inspection of eight audit firms – including the Big Five.

About NFRA :

The National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) is a crucial regulatory body established under the Companies Act, 2013, in India.


Enhance the Quality of Corporate Financial Reporting: The NFRA strives to ensure that financial reports prepared by companies comply with accounting and auditing standards. This promotes transparency, reliability, and public confidence in financial information.

Regulate Auditing Profession: The NFRA plays a vital role in regulating the audit profession in India. It works to maintain high professional standards and ethical conduct among auditors.

Powers and Functions:

Recommendation and Setting of Standards: The NFRA recommends accounting and auditing standards to the Central Government for approval. These standards set the benchmarks for financial reporting practices.

Monitoring and Enforcement: The NFRA monitors the compliance of companies and audit firms with the accounting and auditing standards. It can take action against non-compliant entities.

Overseeing Quality of Service: The NFRA oversees the quality of service provided by auditors, chartered accountants, and other professionals associated with financial reporting. It can identify areas for improvement and suggest corrective measures.

Investigating Professional Misconduct: The NFRA has the authority to investigate cases of professional misconduct by chartered accountants or audit firms. It can impose penalties such as fines or even debarment from practice.

Promoting Continuous Education: The NFRA can promote and facilitate continuous professional education for auditors and other relevant professionals. This ensures they are updated on the latest standards and best practices.

The NFRA acts as a watchdog, safeguarding the integrity and reliability of financial reporting in India. It contributes to a healthy financial ecosystem by fostering transparency, ethical practices  and investor confidence.









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