The Electoral Commission’s Push for Aadhaar-Voter ID Linkage and Government Response

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March 10, 2024

The Electoral Commission’s Push for Aadhaar-Voter ID Linkage and Government Response


  • The Election Commission of India (EC) has been advocating for the linkage of Aadhaar with voter ID cards, aiming to enhance electoral integrity by eliminating duplicate entries.
  • However, recent developments have highlighted challenges regarding the voluntary nature of this linkage and the clarity of registration forms. Let’s delve into the timeline of events and the ongoing debate surrounding this issue.

EC’s Initiative for Aadhaar-Voter ID Linkage:

  • In February 2015, the then-Chief Election Commissioner H S Brahma announced the EC’s plan to initiate Aadhaar-voter ID linkage, with a voluntary approach.
  • The objective was to cleanse the electoral rolls of fraudulent or duplicate entries. However, this drive was halted following a Supreme Court ruling in August 2015, limiting Aadhaar’s usage to specific government schemes.

EC’s Persistent Efforts:

  • Despite setbacks, the EC persisted in its efforts. In 2019, it proposed Aadhaar-voter ID linkage again, prompting the government to introduce the Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021.
  • This bill, passed in December 2021, facilitated Aadhaar-Voter ID linkage, allowing the EC to resume Aadhaar collection on a voluntary basis from July 2022.

Recent Challenges and Supreme Court Petition:

  • A recent petition in the Supreme Court, filed by a Congress leader from Telangana, raised concerns about the lack of clarity in the registration process.
  • The petitioner argued for provisions enabling individuals to opt out of Aadhaar linkage without coercion.
  • This petition highlighted discrepancies in the registration forms, particularly Form 6B, which presented limited options, potentially leading to false declarations.

EC’s Proposal and Government Response:

  • In response to the petition, the EC proposed amendments to the Representation of the People Act, 1950, aiming to eliminate the requirement of providing a “sufficient cause” for not furnishing Aadhaar details.
  • Additionally, it suggested revising registration forms to include a neutral option for individuals who possess Aadhaar but opt not to disclose it. However, the government reportedly resisted these amendments, suggesting that clarifications from the EC would suffice.


  • The debate surrounding Aadhaar-voter ID linkage underscores the importance of balancing electoral transparency with individual privacy rights.
  • While the EC seeks to streamline the registration process and enhance electoral credibility, concerns persist regarding the voluntariness and clarity of Aadhaar disclosure.
  • As stakeholders continue to navigate these complexities, the need for transparent and inclusive electoral practices remains paramount.

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The Electoral Commission’s Push for Aadhaar-Voter ID Linkage and Government Response | Vaid ICS Institute