The Diamond Imprest Authorization (DIA) Scheme:
Why in News? Department of Commerce, Government of India has introduced the Diamond Imprest Authorization (DIA) Scheme recently, aiming to enhance the global competitiveness of India’s diamond sector. This scheme provides a streamlined mechanism for duty free import of Natural Cut and Polished Diamonds, and there by promoting value addition and boosting exports. The Scheme will be implemented with effect from 01.04.2025.
Key Features of the Scheme:
- This scheme allows the duty-free import of Natural Cut and Polished Diamonds, of less than ¼ Carat (25 Cents).
- This scheme mandates export obligation with a value addition of 10%.
- All Diamond exporters holding Two Star Export House status and above and having US $15 Million exports per year, are eligible for availing the benefit under this scheme.
- The scheme is made in response to Beneficiation policies undertaken in a number of natural diamond mining countries like Botswana, Namibia Angola etc where Diamond manufactures are obliged to open cut and polishing facilities for a minimum percentage of value addition. This scheme is aimed towards retaining India’s position as a global leader in the entire value chain of Diamond industry.
Level Playing Field for MSME Exporters:
- Supports small and medium Indian diamond exporters to compete with larger players globally.
Investment Retention:
- Aims to prevent the shift of Indian investments to diamond-mining nations.
Employment Generation:
- Creates jobs for diamond assorters and workers in semi-finished diamond processing units.
- Focuses on skilled craftsmen to strengthen the domestic diamond industry.
Boost to Exports:
- Expected to increase the export of Cut and Polished Diamonds from India.
Support for Domestic Industry:
- Protects the domestic diamond processing sector and sustains related employment.
Compliance and Ease of Business:
- Reinforces India’s position in the global diamond trade by ensuring adherence to international standards while simplifying operations.
Addressing Industry Challenges:
- Designed to combat declining exports and job losses, rejuvenating the diamond industry.
About Natural Cut and Polished Diamonds:
- Natural cut and polished diamonds are diamonds that have undergone cutting and polishing after being extracted from mines as rough diamonds. The process involves:
Cutting: Shaping the diamond to enhance its brilliance and maximize its value.
Polishing: Smoothing the diamond’s facets for better reflection and shine.
- These diamonds are in high demand for jewelry and industrial purposes. India, particularly Surat in Gujarat, is a global hub for diamond cutting and polishing, handling over 90% of the world’s supply.
Top 3 States in India for Diamond Processing
India is not a major producer of natural diamonds, but it leads globally in diamond cutting and polishing. The states dominating this industry are:
- Surat is known as the “Diamond City of India.”
- It processes a majority of the world’s diamonds.
- Mumbai serves as a trading hub for diamonds.
- Houses major diamond trading centers like the Bharat Diamond Bourse.
- Jaipur is known for its expertise in colored gemstones and diamond cutting.
- While diamond mining is limited in India, states like Madhya Pradesh (Panna region) have natural diamond reserves.
Global Export of Diamonds by India:
- India is the largest exporter of cut and polished diamonds.
- Key facts include:
- Export Value: India exports cut and polished diamonds worth billions of dollars annually, making it a major contributor to the country’s foreign exchange.
Major Markets:
USA: The largest buyer of Indian diamonds.
Hong Kong: A significant market for Indian diamonds.
UAE (Dubai): A critical trading partner for diamond exports.
Global Diamond Industry Leaders:
Top Producing Countries for Rough Diamonds:
Russia: Largest producer of rough diamonds (Alrosa).
Botswana: Significant diamond mining through De Beers.
Canada: Known for its high-quality rough diamonds.
India’s Contribution:
- India dominates the global diamond cutting and polishing market but imports most rough diamonds from mining countries like Russia, Botswana, and Canada.
डायमंड इम्प्रेस्ट ऑथराइजेशन (DIA) योजना:
चर्चा में क्यों? भारत सरकार के वाणिज्य विभाग ने हीरा क्षेत्र की वैश्विक प्रतिस्पर्धा को बढ़ाने के लिए डायमंड इम्प्रेस्ट ऑथराइजेशन (DIA) योजना शुरू की। यह योजना प्राकृतिक कट और पॉलिश किए गए हीरों के शुल्क मुक्त आयात का प्रावधान करती है, जो 1 अप्रैल 2025 से लागू होगी।
योजना की मुख्य विशेषताएं:
ड्यूटी-फ्री आयात:
- ¼ कैरेट (25 सेंट) से कम के प्राकृतिक कट और पॉलिश किए गए हीरों का शुल्क मुक्त आयात।
मूल्य संवर्धन:
- निर्यात दायित्व के तहत न्यूनतम 10% मूल्य संवर्धन।
- दो सितारा निर्यात गृह और उससे ऊपर के दर्जा प्राप्त निर्यातक।
- सालाना $15 मिलियन का निर्यात करने वाले सभी हीरा निर्यातक।
प्रतिक्रिया नीति:
- बोत्सवाना, नामीबिया, और अंगोला जैसे खनन देशों की नीतियों के जवाब में बनाई गई योजना।
एमएसएमई और घरेलू उद्योग को लाभ:
समान अवसर::
- MSME हीरा निर्यातकों को वैश्विक स्तर पर बड़े खिलाड़ियों के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा का मौका।
निवेश सुरक्षा:
- हीरा-खनन देशों में भारतीय निवेश को स्थानांतरित होने से रोकना।
रोजगार सृजन:
- अर्ध-प्रसंस्करण इकाइयों और कुशल कारीगरों के लिए नौकरियां।
निर्यात बढ़ावा:
- कट और पॉलिश किए गए हीरों के निर्यात में वृद्धि।
भारत में हीरा प्रसंस्करण के प्रमुख राज्य:
- सूरत “भारत का हीरा शहर,” वैश्विक आपूर्ति का 90% से अधिक हिस्सा।
- मुंबई, भारत डायमंड बोर्स जैसे व्यापार केंद्र।
- जयपुर, रंगीन रत्नों और हीरों की कटाई।
भारत का हीरा निर्यात:
प्रमुख बाजार:
- USA, हांगकांग, और UAE (दुबई)।
वैश्विक नेतृत्व:
- भारत कटे और पॉलिश किए गए हीरों का सबसे बड़ा निर्यातक।
वैश्विक हीरा उद्योग में भारत की स्थिति:
प्रमुख उत्पादक देश:
- रूस, बोत्सवाना, और कनाडा।
भारत का योगदान:
- वैश्विक कटिंग और पॉलिशिंग में अग्रणी, लेकिन रफ़ डायमंड का आयातक।
- DIA योजना भारत के हीरा उद्योग को नई ऊंचाइयों पर ले जाने के लिए एक प्रभावी कदम है।