Securing Legal Rights for Gandabherunda Art by Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC)

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December 17, 2023

Securing Legal Rights for Gandabherunda Art by Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC)

In news: Gandabherunda Art - Civilsdaily


  • The Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) has recently attained exclusive legal rights to the unique and culturally significant representation of Gandabherunda Art, which stands as a symbol of their corporate identity. This move has highlighted the profound historical and cultural significance of this artistic motif.

Exploring Gandabherunda Art

  • Cultural Origin: The Gandabherunda Art traces its roots back to ancient motifs found across diverse cultures, including the Hittites, Egyptians, Sumerians, and Indians.
  • Introduction to India: Initially suggested by John Marshall to be introduced by the Shakas (Scythians), this art form also finds mention in various ancient Indian texts.
  • Ancient Indian References: Notably, it appears in revered texts such as the Panchatantra, Mahabharata, Panini’s grammar, and Jain texts like the Kalpa Sūtra, underscoring its deep historical roots.
  • Archaeological Sites: Its presence has been unearthed in archaeological sites like Sirkap near Taxila and the illustrious Sanchi Stupa, further solidifying its historical significance.
  • Literary Appearances: The Gandabherunda frequently features in Buddhist literature and the Panchatantra, symbolizing unity and vigilance across different contexts.
  • Karnataka Temple Sculptures: Its prominence in Hindu temples in Karnataka is particularly notable, often associated with Vishnu’s Narasimha avatar in the Narasimha Purana.

Contemporary Significance

  • State Symbol: Within Karnataka, it holds the status of being the state symbol and is closely linked to the Mysuru royal family and the Order of Gandabherunda, adding to its contemporary significance.
  • Historical Usage: The earliest known depictions of this art form date back to the Mathura art period (1st century CE) and it enjoyed significant usage during the Vijayanagara Empire (1336–1646 CE).
  • Karnataka Emblem: Officially recognized as the state emblem of Karnataka, this emblem was adopted in 1956, cementing its cultural importance.

Architectural Presence and Symbolism

  • Architectural Influence: The Gandabherunda finds a prevalent presence in South Indian temple architecture, particularly in Karnataka, with notable appearances at structures like the Chennakesava Temple at Belur.
  • Symbolic Significance: Symbolizing material and spiritual power, strength, and fearlessness, the Gandabherunda holds profound symbolism that transcends time and context.


  • The legal acquisition of rights by KSRTC underscores the cultural depth and historical legacy associated with the Gandabherunda Art. Its evolution from ancient motifs to a contemporary symbol within Karnataka’s cultural fabric is a testament to its enduring significance as a representation of strength, unity, and timeless symbolism.

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Securing Legal Rights for Gandabherunda Art by Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) | Vaid ICS Institute