Archives: Current Affair

March 13, 2024

Development of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Nainativu Island                    

Introduction: Recent developments in sustainable energy initiatives have seen the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority collaborating with an Indian company to construct Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Nainativu Island, along with Delft and Analaitivu islands, situated off the Jaffna peninsula. Overview of Nainativu Island: Nainativu Island, situated in the Palk Strait between Sri Lanka and […]

March 13, 2024

India’s Latest Naval Asset: INS Tushil Embarks on Sea Trials   

Introduction: India’s naval prowess sees a significant boost with the initiation of sea trials for INS Tushil, the country’s newest maritime asset, setting sail from Russia’s Baltiysk naval base. INS Tushil: INS Tushil marks the pioneering acquisition under Project 11356M as the inaugural Krivak-III frigate to be procured. This project stems from an Inter-Governmental Agreement […]

March 13, 2024

Redevelopment Plans for Sabarmati Ashram: A Blend of Simplicity and Modernization       

Introduction: Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently laid the foundation stone and unveiled the masterplan for the Rs 1,200 crore Gandhi Ashram Memorial and Precinct Development Project in Ahmedabad. This initiative aims to rejuvenate the historic Sabarmati Ashram, originally established by Mahatma Gandhi in 1917. The project seeks to strike a balance between preserving the ashram’s […]

March 13, 2024

Debating Citizenship: Insights from the Constituent Assembly         

Introduction: The recent implementation of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (CAA) has reignited debates reminiscent of those held over 70 years ago in the Constituent Assembly. The contentious issue of linking citizenship with religion, which sparked widespread protests upon the CAA’s passing, finds parallels in historical deliberations. Let’s delve into the Constituent Assembly debates to […]

March 13, 2024

Understanding the Functionality of Ejection Seats in Military Aircraft: Tejas Pilot’s Successful Ejection    

Introduction: The recent incident involving the crash of an indigenously-built Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas highlighted the critical role of ejection seats in ensuring pilot safety during emergencies. Despite the crash, the pilot managed to eject safely, underscoring the importance and effectiveness of these intricate systems installed in military aircraft. How Ejection Seats Operate: Ejection […]

March 13, 2024

Unveiling Hyodol: An AI-Powered Solution for Senior Loneliness          

Introduction: In response to the escalating concern over loneliness among senior citizens, South Korean company Hyodol introduces an innovative remedy: an AI-driven ‘social robot’ priced at $1,800 (about Rs 1.5 lakh). These endearing Hyodol dolls, resembling cuddly soft toys, harbor sophisticated capabilities, including emotion recognition, conversational abilities, and music playback, aimed at providing companionship and […]

March 13, 2024

Citizenship Amendment Act Implemented Four Years After Passage               

In a significant development, the Modi government has announced the commencement of granting Indian nationality to persecuted non-Muslim migrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan who arrived in India until December 31, 2014. Notification of Implementation Rules The Ministry of Home Affairs has declared the notification of rules for implementing the contentious Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 […]

March 13, 2024

Understanding the Significance of Global Sea Surface Temperatures          

Introduction: In this segment of our ongoing series on climate change, we delve into a critical question: “Why do global sea surface temperatures matter?” Recent data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reveals a concerning trend: February 2024 witnessed the highest-ever global sea surface temperature (SST) recorded since 1979, surpassing the previous record set […]

March 13, 2024

Unraveling the Enigma of the Oscars: Tracing the Origins of the Coveted Award        

The 96th Academy Awards, colloquially known as the Oscars, took place on Monday (March 11), marking another grand celebration of cinematic excellence. Renowned as the pinnacle of recognition in the film industry, the Oscars derive their name from their status as peer-voted honors, bestowed by the prestigious Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. However, […]

March 13, 2024

India’s Success with Agni-5 Missile Featuring MIRV Technology: Insights and Significance                      

Introduction: Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently announced the triumph of Mission Divyastra, marking the successful testing of an Agni missile equipped with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology. This breakthrough underscores India’s advancement in defense capabilities and strategic deterrence. Understanding Agni-5 Missiles: Developed domestically by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the Agni […]

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Current Affair | Vaid ICS Institute - Part 33