International Abhidhamma Divas 17 Oct, 2024/ Daily Current affairs 17 oct, 2024

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October 17, 2024

International Abhidhamma Divas 17 Oct, 2024/ Daily Current affairs 17 oct, 2024

India, the birthplace of Buddhism, holds an enduring spiritual legacy as the land where Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment and shared teachings that continue to shape human understanding.

The country’s historical and cultural connection to Buddhism is reflected through the veneration of sacred sites, including Bodh Gaya, where Buddha achieved Nirvana. These sites are not merely places of worship but living symbols of the Buddha’s journey toward liberation, inviting seekers to walk the same path of introspection and peace.

Central to Buddha’s teachings is the Abhidhamma, a profound philosophical component that extends beyond ethical conduct into the realms of mental discipline and self-awareness.

International Abhidhamma Divas

International Abhidhamma Divas, observed globally, celebrate this philosophical cornerstone, recognizing its timeless relevance in guiding ethical conduct and mental discipline. The occasion underscores the enduring bond between Buddhism and India, where Buddha’s teachings continue to inspire not only spiritual seekers but also those pursuing a life of mindfulness and inner peace. The Divas serves as a reminder of India’s unique role in preserving and promoting the legacy of Buddhism to the world, a bridge between ancient wisdom and contemporary spiritual practices.

Historical Background and Significance

Abhidhamma Divas commemorates the day when Lord Buddha descended from the celestial realm, Tāvatiṃsa-devaloka, to Sankassiya (now Sankisa Basantapur) in Uttar Pradesh.

  • The Asokan Elephant Pillar, a historical marker at the site, marks this significant event. According to Theravāda Buddhist texts, Lord Buddha spent three months teaching the Abhidhamma to the deities in Tāvatiṃsa, including his mother. The celebration of Abhidhamma Divas coincides with the end of the first Rainy Retreat (Vassa) and the Pavāraņā festival, a time when monks and nuns conclude their retreat period with a ceremony.
  • The Abhidhamma, or “Higher Teaching” of the Buddha, provides a profound and systematic analysis of mind and matter. Unlike the more conventional teachings in the Sutta Piṭaka, which use everyday language, the Abhidhamma adopts a specialized and analytical approach to explore reality.
  • It offers a detailed framework for understanding the nature of existence, addressing the processes of birth, death, and mental phenomena in a precise and abstract manner.
  • To convey these intricate concepts, the Abhidhamma developed a specialized vocabulary in Pali, forming the basis of Buddhist philosophy and psychology. Key terms include “citta” (consciousness), “cetasika” (mental factors), “rūpa” (materiality), and “nibbāna” (final liberation). This technical language serves as a guide to gaining insight and achieving liberation, facilitating a deeper understanding of ultimate realities and the workings of the mind.
  • Traditionally, it is believed that Buddha first taught the Abhidhamma to the gods in the Tavatimsa heaven, including his mother, and later conveyed these teachings to his disciple Sariputta, who expanded upon them in the six core books of the Abhidhamma Piñaka.

These texts cover various topics, such as moral and mental states, aggregates, causal relationships, and the path to emancipation, forming a comprehensive system for understanding the mind and achieving spiritual growth.

The seven treatises of the Abhidhamma Piñaka, notably the Paññhāna, delve into causal relations with unparalleled depth, showcasing the Buddha’s profound insight. The meticulous analysis provided by these texts has made the Abhidhamma an essential tool for practitioners seeking to develop insight and grasp the essence of Buddha’s teachings.

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International Abhidhamma Divas 17 Oct, 2024/ Daily Current affairs 17 oct, 2024 | Vaid ICS Institute