India’s Uma Sekhar: Elected Member of UNIDROIT’s Governing Council

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December 17, 2023

India’s Uma Sekhar: Elected Member of UNIDROIT’s Governing Council

India's Uma Sekhar elected to governing council of UNIDROIT


  • Uma Sekhar, representing India, clinched a significant role in the governing council of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) during the recent elections held in Rome. Her election success within the inaugural round highlights India’s active participation in this esteemed institution.

UNIDROIT: An Overview


  • Established in 1926 as an auxiliary body of the League of Nations, UNIDROIT was reconstituted in 1940 based on the UNIDROIT Statute following the League’s dissolution. This independent intergovernmental organization serves a crucial role in harmonizing private law on an international scale.


  • UNIDROIT boasts 65 Member States across diverse continents, reflecting various legal, economic, political, and cultural systems. India has been a steadfast member since 1950, contributing to the organization’s global representation.


  • Annual contributions from Member States, determined by the General Assembly, constitute the primary financial support for UNIDROIT’s operations and initiatives.

Organizational Structure

  • Secretariat: The operational backbone responsible for executing UNIDROIT’s daily Work Programme. Led by a Secretary-General appointed by the Governing Council, the Secretariat comprises international civil servants and support staff.
  • Governing Council: Supervising policy aspects, this council plays a pivotal role in the organization’s decision-making process.
  • General Assembly: Holding the highest authority, it serves as the ultimate decision-making body within UNIDROIT.

Language Dynamics

  • UNIDROIT operates officially in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. However, English and French serve as the primary working languages, facilitating effective communication and collaboration among members.


  • Uma Sekhar’s election signifies India’s ongoing commitment and active involvement within UNIDROIT. India’s continued presence within this esteemed organization underlines its dedication to fostering international cooperation in the realm of private law unification.

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India’s Uma Sekhar: Elected Member of UNIDROIT’s Governing Council | Vaid ICS Institute