Examining the Interplay of Climate Change and India’s Health Preparations for COP28

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November 24, 2023

Examining the Interplay of Climate Change and India’s Health Preparations for COP28











  • India gears up for the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP28), highlighting the crucial need to evaluate the impact of climate change on the nation’s health. The vulnerability of India’s health systems magnifies the susceptibility of its population to the health consequences triggered by climate risks. Directly impacting health, climate change not only elevates illness and mortality rates but also indirectly influences nutritional patterns, diminishes work capacity, and heightens climate-induced stress.

Vulnerability of Health Systems

  • India’s inadequate health infrastructure exacerbates its susceptibility to the health repercussions of climate change. This inadequacy significantly amplifies the risks posed by climate-related impacts on health.

Concerns Over Temperature Rise

  • The failure to cap the global temperature rise raises apprehensions about regions becoming uninhabitable with a projected 2°C increase. This escalation presents daunting challenges to the population’s well-being and living conditions.


  • The convergence of communicable and non-communicable diseases intensifies health challenges, resulting in a dual burden of morbidity. Additionally, the impact of climate change on mental health and non-communicable diseases often remains overlooked in India’s health discourse, further complicating the health landscape.

Key Phrases and Analysis

  • Unplanned urbanization significantly exacerbates the urban heat island effect, adding strain to the already stretched urban health system. The inadequate recognition and management of health risks associated with climate change-induced factors pose critical challenges to healthcare management.

Key Data and Facts

  • A mere 1% increase in temperature above 29°C correlates with an alarming 8% surge in hospitalization rates, underscoring the direct impact of temperature variations on health. Furthermore, the unplanned urbanization exacerbates climate-related health risks, necessitating urgent interventions in urban planning and public health strategies.

Way Forward

  • Mitigation strategies demand a holistic approach, including an understanding of climate change pathways, modification of health information systems, and proactive upstream interventions. Coordinated action at the global, regional, and local levels involving researchers, policymakers, and governments emerges as imperative for substantial and meaningful change.


  • As India braces for COP28, the critical nexus between climate change and health warrants urgent attention. Bolstering health infrastructure, addressing the convergence of diseases, and intensifying mitigation strategies stand as pivotal steps towards ensuring a resilient and healthier future for India amidst the challenges posed by a changing climate.

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Examining the Interplay of Climate Change and India’s Health Preparations for COP28 | Vaid ICS Institute