CCI’s Groundbreaking “Leniency Plus” Norms: A Paradigm Shift in Combating Cartels

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October 26, 2023

CCI’s Groundbreaking “Leniency Plus” Norms: A Paradigm Shift in Combating Cartels

steering group: CCI becomes member of International Competition Network's  steering group - The Economic Times


  • The Competition Commission of India (CCI), the apex competition regulator in the nation, has recently introduced a draft of revised lesser penalty regulations, unveiling the innovative “Leniency Plus” Norms. This development signifies a pivotal strategy in the battle against cartels, aiming to promote transparency and bolster antitrust enforcement. This article delves into the intricacies of the “Leniency Plus” framework, shedding light on its potential impact on the Indian business landscape.

Understanding the Competition Commission of India (CCI):

  • The CCI, established under the aegis of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, is tasked with enforcing The Competition Act, 2002. Its primary objective is to foster competition and prevent activities detrimental to the competitive environment in India.

Unveiling “Leniency Plus”:

  • Under the existing Competition Act 2002, companies could gain partial immunity from penalties by providing substantial information regarding their involvement in a cartel. This practice facilitated competition authorities in unearthing covert cartels and obtaining crucial insider evidence.

The “Leniency Plus” Paradigm:

  • The newly introduced “Leniency Plus” framework represents a significant leap forward. In this revamped approach, a cartel member cooperating with the CCI for leniency can divulge the existence of an entirely unrelated cartel during the initial leniency proceedings. As a result, they receive an additional reduction in penalties, further incentivizing disclosure.

Promoting Transparency and Antitrust Enforcement:

  • “Leniency Plus” stands as a proactive antitrust enforcement strategy. It encourages companies already under investigation for one cartel to come forward with information on other undisclosed cartels. This move promotes transparency and strengthens the competition regulator’s ability to combat anticompetitive practices.

Legal Foundation and Global Adoption:

  • The incorporation of the “Leniency Plus” regime into the Competition (Amendment) Act 2023, which received Presidential approval, solidifies its legal standing. It’s worth noting that this concept is not novel, as it is already recognized and practiced in several jurisdictions including the UK, US, Singapore, and Brazil.

Encouraging Disclosure:

  • One of the cornerstone principles of these regulations is their proactive stance in encouraging companies already under investigation for one cartel to report any undisclosed cartels to the competition regulator. This creates a powerful dynamic for uncovering and dismantling anticompetitive practices.


  • The introduction of the “Leniency Plus” Norms by the Competition Commission of India marks a watershed moment in the fight against cartels. By incentivizing disclosure and promoting transparency, this innovative framework is poised to significantly enhance antitrust enforcement in the Indian market. With a solid legal foundation and a global precedent, “Leniency Plus” is set to reshape the landscape of competition regulation in India, ensuring a more level playing field for businesses and safeguarding the interests of consumers.

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CCI’s Groundbreaking “Leniency Plus” Norms: A Paradigm Shift in Combating Cartels | Vaid ICS Institute