Advancements in Newly Amended Electricity Rules to Boost Rooftop Solar Power, Consumer Empowerment, and Electric Vehicle Adoption

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February 25, 2024

Advancements in Newly Amended Electricity Rules to Boost Rooftop Solar Power, Consumer Empowerment, and Electric Vehicle Adoption


  • The recent amendments to the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020, spearheaded by the Ministry of Power, aim to catalyze the adoption of rooftop solar power, enhance consumer empowerment, and facilitate the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into the electricity grid. These amendments, introduced on February 22, usher in pivotal changes that streamline processes, expedite connections, and address consumer grievances, marking a significant stride towards sustainable energy practices.
  1. Simplified Procedures for Rooftop Solar Installation
  • The amended rules streamline the process for installing rooftop solar panels, making it more accessible and efficient for households. Previously, stringent requirements mandated a technical feasibility report, causing delays and hindrances. However, under the new regulations, the timeframe for conducting feasibility studies has been reduced from 20 to 15 days.
  • Additionally, if the study is not completed within this period, the proposal is presumed feasible, eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles. Notably, solar PV systems up to 10 kilowatts are now deemed acceptable without a feasibility study, further expediting the adoption process. Moreover, distribution companies are mandated to cover the costs of strengthening infrastructure for rooftop solar projects, easing financial burdens on consumers.
  1. Empowerment of Consumers in Residential Societies
  • The amendments introduce provisions empowering consumers in residential societies to make informed choices regarding their electricity connections. Through transparent balloting, residents can opt for individual connections or a single-point connection for the entire premises, fostering flexibility and autonomy.
  • In instances where a single-point connection is favored, residential associations assume responsibility for metering, billing, and collection, ensuring equitable distribution of costs. Furthermore, the rules mandate additional meters to address complaints regarding inaccurate readings, enhancing accountability and consumer trust.
  1. Expedited Provision of New Electricity Connections
  • In a bid to streamline processes and cater to evolving energy needs, the amended rules significantly reduce the timeframe for obtaining new electricity connections or modifying existing ones. Metropolitan areas witness a reduction from seven to three days, while other municipal areas see a decrease from 15 to seven days.
  • Rural areas also benefit from expedited timelines, with the period reduced from 30 to 15 days, except in hilly terrains where it remains unchanged. Notably, for the first time, provisions for EV charging points are incorporated, with DISCOMs mandated to provide separate connections within the revised timelines, fostering the seamless integration of electric vehicles into the grid.


  • The amended Electricity Rules herald a new era of sustainable energy practices and consumer-centric policies. By facilitating the adoption of rooftop solar power, empowering consumers in residential settings, and expediting the provision of new electricity connections, these regulations pave the way for a greener, more inclusive energy landscape.
  • Additionally, the integration of provisions for electric vehicles underscores the commitment towards embracing emerging technologies and fostering a holistic approach to energy sustainability. As stakeholders continue to collaborate and innovate, these amendments serve as a testament to the collective efforts towards a brighter, more sustainable future.

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Advancements in Newly Amended Electricity Rules to Boost Rooftop Solar Power, Consumer Empowerment, and Electric Vehicle Adoption | Vaid ICS Institute