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July 16, 2024

The All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, are a set of regulations that govern the conduct of members of the All India Services, which include the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Forest Service (IFS). These rules are designed to ensure that members of these services maintain the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and impartiality in their duties.

Key Provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968:

  1. General Conduct:
    • Members must maintain absolute integrity, devotion to duty, and uphold the dignity of their office.
    • They must not act in a manner unbecoming of a member of the Service.
  2. Integrity and Impartiality:
    • Members must not accept or solicit any pecuniary advantage or benefit.
    • They must maintain political neutrality and should not be influenced by any external pressures or personal interests.
  3. Public Duty and Private Interest:
    • Members must ensure that their private interests do not conflict with their public duties.
    • They must declare their assets and liabilities periodically, as prescribed by the government.
  4. Political Activity:
    • Members are prohibited from being members of, or associated with, any political party or organization.
    • They must not take part in any political activity or demonstrations.
  5. Investment, Lending, and Borrowing:
    • Members are restricted in their investments and are prohibited from speculative investments.
    • They must not engage in money lending or borrowing from persons with whom they have official dealings.
  6. Property Transactions:
    • Members must report to the government any transaction of immovable property, whether by sale, purchase, or mortgage.
    • Prior sanction is required for transactions beyond certain limits.
  7. Gift, Reward, and Dowry:
    • Members are prohibited from accepting gifts, rewards, or dowry that could influence their duties.
    • Any gifts received from personal friends or relatives on social occasions must be reported.
  8. Criticism of Government:
    • Members are prohibited from criticizing the government in public forums or media.
    • They must refrain from making statements that could affect the public interest or the image of the government.
  9. Employment of Family Members in Business:
    • Members must ensure that their family members do not engage in business dealings that could create a conflict of interest with their official duties.
  10. Publications and Media:
    • Members must seek prior permission before engaging in any publication, including books, articles, or media appearances that relate to their official duties.
  11. Upholding the Rule of Law:
    • Members must uphold the rule of law and ensure that their actions do not contravene any existing laws or regulations.

General Principles (Rule 3):

  • Integrity and Devotion to Duty: Members must maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty, acting with honesty and impartiality.

Political Neutrality (Rule 3(1A)(ii):

  • Members are expected to remain politically neutral and avoid any actions that could project alignment with a particular political party.

Public Service:

  • The rules emphasize courteous and responsive service to the public, particularly towards weaker sections of society (Rule 3(2A)(v)).

Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest:

  • Members are obligated to maintain confidentiality regarding official information and avoid situations that might lead to a conflict of interest between their personal interests and public duties (Rule 3(3)).

Specific Rules (Examples):

  • Seeking permission before undertaking other employment or professional activities (Rule 13)
  • Following guidelines for publishing books, articles, or giving public speeches (Rule 6)
  • Obtaining prior approval for accepting gifts or hospitality (Rule 7)
  • Maintaining a professional and respectful demeanor while on duty (Rule 3)

Enforcement and Penalties:

  • Monitoring and Reporting: Violations of these conduct rules can be reported to the relevant authorities, and members are required to disclose relevant information proactively.
  • Disciplinary Action: Breach of any provision of these rules may lead to disciplinary action, including suspension, demotion, or dismissal from service, depending on the severity of the violation.
  • Grievance Redressal: Members have the right to appeal against any disciplinary action taken against them through established channels within the government.


The All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, are crucial for maintaining the integrity, efficiency, and impartiality of the All India Services. By adhering to these rules, members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds public trust and confidence in the administrative machinery of the country. These rules provide a comprehensive framework to ensure that the conduct of members aligns with the principles of public service and good governance.

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