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January 29, 2025

What are Jus Soli & Jus Sanguinis ?

Jus Soli (Right of the Soil):

Jus soli is a legal principle where a person’s nationality or citizenship is determined by the place of their birth. In countries that follow this principle, individuals born on the country’s territory automatically acquire its citizenship, regardless of their parents’ nationality.

Example: The United States follows jus soli, meaning anyone born within U.S. territory (except for certain exceptions like children of foreign diplomats) automatically becomes a U.S. citizen.

Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood):

Jus sanguinis is the principle where a person’s nationality or citizenship is determined by the nationality or citizenship of their parents, rather than the place of birth. This system grants citizenship based on descent.

Example: Countries like Germany and Japan primarily follow jus sanguinis, where a child born abroad to German or Japanese parents may still be granted citizenship based on their parents’ nationality.

In some countries, both principles may be used in combination to determine citizenship.

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VAIDS ICS Lucknow, a leading Consultancy for Civil Services & Judicial Services, was started in 1988 to provide expert guidance, consultancy, and counseling to aspirants for a career in Civil Services & Judicial Services.

The Civil Services (including the PCS) and the PCS (J) attract some of the best talented young persons in our country. The sheer diversity of work and it’s nature, the opportunity to serve the country and be directly involved in nation-building, makes the bureaucracy the envy of both-the serious and the adventurous. Its multi-tiered (Prelims, Mains & Interview) examination is one of the most stringent selection procedures. VAID’S ICS Lucknow, from its inception, has concentrated on the requirements of the civil services aspirants. The Institute expects, and helps in single-minded dedication and preparation.

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