Current Affair Category: Social Issues

May 6, 2024

What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

Why in News?Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, has recently expressed his commitment to invest billions of dollars towards the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). What is AGI? •AGI is a kind of machine or a software that can perform any intellectual task that a human can do. •It can do reasoning, common sense, abstract […]

May 4, 2024

The United Nations Population Fund/ Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations/ Localizing the SDGs:

Why in News ?The Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations and the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund is organizing event titled “Localizing the SDGs. About United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA): •United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), trust fund under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Development Programme […]

May 2, 2024

Hindu marriage not valid ‘unless performed with ceremonies in proper form’: SC

Why in News?  The Supreme Court has recently  ruled that a Hindu marriage is a ‘samskara’ or sacrament and cannot be recognised under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 “unless performed with ceremonies in the proper form”.  Key points of the Court: A Hindu marriage is a sacrament which has to be accorded its status as […]

April 19, 2024

India’s 4 P Model: People and the Planet

Why in News ? The World Bank has come up with  the new vision of “a world free of poverty on a livable planet”. In this slogan , it is important to learn from India’s 4Ps (Delhi declaration) since they are directly relevant to the successful implementation of large-scale transformational programmes. ·         In ensuring that […]

April 15, 2024

Applications of AI in Judiciary: Opportunity & Challenges

Why in News? Addressing the Indo-Singapore Judicial Conference, Chief Justice of India has recently underlined the need for robust auditing mechanisms in place to check misleading information. CJI said that Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds immense potential to transform the way legal professionals work. He underlined the “critical importance of balancing technological advancements with ethical considerations […]

March 10, 2024

Celebrating Women’s Day: Understanding its Significance

Introduction: International Women’s Day, observed annually on March 8, is a pivotal moment dedicated to honoring the achievements and contributions of women worldwide. However, its origins trace back to the early 20th century, rooted in the fervent activism of socialist movements advocating for women’s rights and improved working conditions. The Origins: The genesis of Women’s […]

February 3, 2024

Examining Tech CEOs’ Apology Amidst Allegations of Failing to Protect Kids Online

Introduction: • The recent US Senate hearing featuring CEOs of major tech companies, including Meta, X, Snap, TikTok, and Discord, shed light on allegations regarding the platforms’ failure to safeguard children online. The hearing, held by the Committee on the Judiciary, addressed concerns about online child sexual exploitation and related issues. Mark Zuckerberg’s apology to […]

January 10, 2024

Punjab’s Approach to Drug Enforcement: Targeting End Users Over Major Players

The crackdown on drugs in Punjab seems to primarily ensnare end users while the larger drug trade operators continue to evade authorities. Instances like the seizure of trivial paraphernalia leading to arrests, such as a lighter or foil paper, highlight a concerning trend. Even minor drug seizures result in prolonged detainment, raising questions about the […]

December 3, 2023

Peace Accord: Union and Manipur Governments Sign Pact with UNLF

Understanding the UNLF Formation and Leadership: Founded in 1964 under Arembam Samarendra Singh, the UNLF, representing Manipur’s oldest valley-based insurgent group, boasted diverse leadership comprising Naga and Kuki leaders. Activities and Status: With its armed wing, the Manipur People’s Army, formed in 1990, the UNLF has carried out multiple attacks against Indian security forces. Presently […]

November 1, 2023

Safeguarding Against the Rising Threat of SIM Swap Scams: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: In recent years, the SIM swap scam has emerged as a significant threat to individuals’ financial security. This fraudulent scheme exploits the connection between physical SIM cards and banking applications, providing scammers access to victims’ bank accounts and personal information. SIM Swap Scam: An Overview: Exploiting Technological Advances: The SIM swap scam takes advantage […]

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Social Issues | Vaid ICS Institute - Part 2