Current Affair Category: Environment & Ecology

December 22, 2023

Volcanic Fury in Iceland: Unveiling the Dynamics

Understanding Volcanoes Volcanoes, these openings in the Earth’s crust, are portals through which lava, tephra (tiny rocks), and steam erupt onto the surface. Whether on land or submerged, they form when exceedingly hot material breaks through the Earth’s surface. Magma, when underground, and lava, upon surfacing, along with ash and gases, constitute this material. Eruption […]

December 17, 2023

Unveiling a Unique Discovery: The Enigmatic Spider of the Antarctic Ocean

Unraveling the Creature’s Mysteries A peculiar inhabitant of the Antarctic Ocean recently emerged—a spider with an unusual yellow body hue, distinctive near-black eyes numbering four, and formidable bulbous claws. Discovered in the depths of the Ross Sea, resting approximately 1,870 feet (570 meters) below the ocean’s surface, this intriguing creature’s distinct features captivate marine biologists […]

December 17, 2023

Unprecedented Arctic Warmth in 2023: An Overview

Introduction The Arctic region experienced an unparalleled surge in warmth during the summer of 2023, surpassing all previous records. This escalation in temperatures, soaring nearly four times higher than the global average since 1979, stands as a significant climate anomaly. NOAA’s Insightful Analysis A comprehensive report, the Arctic Report Card by the National Oceanic and […]

December 14, 2023

Saiga Antelope: Shifting Conservation Status

Introduction The Saiga Antelope, scientifically known as Saiga tatarica, has undergone a reclassification in its conservation status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), transitioning from the perilous category of ‘Critically Endangered’ to a more optimistic ‘Near Threatened’. Overview of Saiga Antelope Physical Traits: Known for its distinctively bulbous nose, the Saiga Antelope […]

December 14, 2023

Red Sprites: Illuminating Transient Luminous Events

Introduction Red sprites, a subset of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs), manifest as captivating reddish-orange flashes resembling tendrils, jellyfish, or carrots, often in clusters. These enigmatic phenomena occur at altitudes ranging between 50 to 90 kilometers (31 to 56 miles) and endure for an incredibly fleeting duration of mere milliseconds. Unveiling Red Sprites Documented since their […]

December 14, 2023

Understanding Animal Adaptation Amidst Climate Change

Unveiling Bluefin Tuna’s Survival Tactics The significance of comprehending how animals adapt to their environments is amplified in the face of climate change. Recent research delving into the realm of bluefin tuna sheds light on their energy utilization and survival strategies amidst the climate crisis. Unveiling Biological Records: Ear Stones’ Role Scientists have turned their […]

December 8, 2023

Investigating Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV)

                  Understanding the Virus Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) stands as a significant concern within the Herpesviridae family, presenting as a double-stranded DNA virus. Its impact is particularly dire among young Asian and African elephants, both in the wild and in captivity, leading to acute and often fatal […]

December 8, 2023

Discovery of a Rare Megamouth Shark in the Philippines

Overview of the Megamouth Shark The recent discovery of a pregnant megamouth shark, a remarkably uncommon and enigmatic species inhabiting the deep waters, has captivated researchers after it was found stranded on a beach in the Philippines. Profile of the Megamouth Shark Scientific Identification: Megachasma pelagios Habitat and Distribution: This extraordinary species is believed to […]

December 8, 2023

Responsible Parties in Food’s Environmental Impact

Introduction The global demand for agricultural products is causing substantial social and environmental repercussions. As consumers worldwide are linked to distant impacts, such as carbon emissions, biodiversity loss, and labor rights issues, the discussion on responsibility for these consequences intensifies. India’s Impact in Global Agricultural Trade India, owing to its expansive size and consumer market, […]

December 7, 2023

The Remarkable Bactrian Camel: A Unique Profile

Introduction The Bactrian camel, scientifically known as Camelus bactrianus, stands out with its distinctive double humps that serve as reservoirs for fat storage. Native to the unforgiving landscapes of Central Asia, these camels have adapted remarkably to survive in harsh and arid environments. Geographical Distribution This species thrives across the expansive terrains of Central Asia, […]

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Environment & Ecology | Vaid ICS Institute - Part 12