Current Affair Category: Environment & Ecology

January 15, 2024

Achieving Remarkable Success: Darjeeling Zoo’s Prowess in Breeding Snow Leopards

Introduction: Breeding wild cats in captivity is a formidable challenge due to their unpredictable behavior, distinct physiology, and genetic complexities. The Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park (PNHZP) in Darjeeling has defied these odds, making headlines by successfully breeding 77 snow leopards since the 1980s. This accomplishment places the zoo second only to New York’s Bronx […]

January 9, 2024

Deciphering Human Impact on Global Warming: Understanding the Role in Climate Change

Introduction: The Temperature Tug-of-War Exploring the depths of climate change, this series navigates the science, implications, and pivotal questions shaping this critical global issue. In this segment, our focal point revolves around a fundamental query: Are human actions the driving force behind global warming? The year 2023 potentially marked the hottest period in 125,000 years, […]

January 8, 2024

Shifting Habitats: Impact of Rising Temperatures on Bird Species in Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

Exploring the Sanctuary’s Unique Ecosystem Nestled in the Himalayan foothills of West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh, lies the Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, a protected haven teeming with biodiversity. Its expansive landscape, spanning altitudes from 500 meters to 3,250 meters, creates a diverse habitat for a multitude of species. Geographical Adjacencies: This sanctuary shares its borders with […]

January 5, 2024

Reclassification Appeal: Northeast African Cheetah

A plea has been made by a panel of experts urging the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to reconsider the categorization of the Northeast African Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii) from its current status of ‘vulnerable’ to the more critical label of ‘endangered’. Insights into the Northeast African Cheetah: This subspecies primarily inhabits the […]

January 5, 2024

Wetland City Accreditation in India

Overview of the Recognition: The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change recently put forth three nominations from India for the prestigious Wetland City Accreditation (WCA) under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. This accolade seeks to honor cities that have taken exceptional measures to safeguard their urban wetlands, emphasizing the critical role these areas play […]

January 5, 2024

Discovery of Polygonum Chaturbhujanum in Pench Tiger Reserve

Unveiling a New Plant Species In a recent survey conducted at the Gol Pahadi Island within the Pench Tiger Reserve (PTR) in Maharashtra, researchers stumbled upon an intriguing find: a previously unknown plant species belonging to the Polygonum genus, now named Polygonum Chaturbhujanum. This herbaceous plant discovery adds to the rich biodiversity found within this […]

January 3, 2024

Protecting the Indian Pangolin: Success in Conservation Efforts

Understanding Pangolins Pangolins, recognized as scaly anteaters, stand out as the sole mammals adorned with robust keratin scales coating their skin. Among the eight global species (equally split between Asia and Africa), India shelters two: the Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) and the Chinese Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla). Insight into the Indian Pangolin The Indian pangolin, also […]

January 2, 2024

Understanding Tsunamis: Causes and Impact      

Japan Faces Tsunami Threats Again A recent earthquake in Japan has once again triggered a tsunami warning, underscoring the ongoing threat faced by the island nation. The occurrence of a tsunami, a term originating from the Japanese word for “harbor wave,” is primarily associated with seismic activities such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions beneath the […]

December 28, 2023

A New Sighting: Black-necked Grebe at Hokersar Wetland

Introduction Recently, a significant environmental discovery marked the inaugural sighting of a Black-necked Grebe within the premises of Hokersar wetland. This event sheds light on the unique biodiversity thriving within this renowned site. Exploring the Black-necked Grebe Species Overview The Black-necked Grebe, scientifically labeled as Podiceps nigricollis, belongs to the grebe family of waterfowl. It […]

December 25, 2023

Reasons for Hope in the Climate Fight: A Comprehensive Overview

Introduction: The battle against climate change has been a challenging endeavor, with carbon emissions reaching record highs and global climate action falling short. However, a recent study by the German think tank New Climate Institute provides insights that offer a glimmer of hope. Despite the grim outlook, there are reasons to remain optimistic about the […]

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Environment & Ecology | Vaid ICS Institute - Part 11