Current Affair Category: Defence & Security

February 3, 2024

Tackling Maritime Piracy: Insights and Strategies from a Retired Vice Admiral

Introduction: • Maritime piracy, an age-old menace, recently made headlines as the Indian Navy successfully thwarted two piracy attempts off the Somali coast within 36 hours. In this expert analysis, a retired Vice Admiral from the Indian Navy delves into the intricacies of piracy, its root causes, and the strategic responses adopted by maritime forces. […]

January 10, 2024

India’s Prospective Security Challenges in 2024: Learning from Global Events

Introduction: The dynamic landscape of global security demands proactive anticipation and preparation for unforeseen challenges. Drawing insights from recent conflicts like the Russia-Ukraine war and the Hamas-Israel clash, this article explores potential security exigencies India might encounter in 2024. Anticipating Nuclear Dynamics: The unexpected Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 shattered assumptions about major nations […]

January 6, 2024

Retired Officers’ Book Review by the Army: What’s Allowed and Why Gen Naravane’s Book Faces Scrutiny

Overview The release of General M M Naravane’s upcoming book, “Four Stars of Destiny,” has sparked the Army’s review, causing speculation and inquiries into the rules governing retired defense personnel’s publications. Notably, the excerpts revealed insights into the LAC standoff with China and certain interactions within the Indian leadership. Book Insights on the LAC Standoff […]

January 4, 2024

Understanding Cyber Kidnapping: A New Age Threat

The Case of Kai Zhuang: A Tale of Cyber Abduction Kai Zhuang, a 17-year-old Chinese student studying in Utah, fell prey to a harrowing cyber kidnapping incident. The term refers to a distressing scenario where perpetrators, operating remotely, coerce victims into hiding and then extort ransom from their families. In Zhuang’s case, his distressing situation […]

January 3, 2024

Understanding the KH-22 Missile

Introduction: The KH-22 missile stands as a significant relic from the Soviet era, characterized by its long-range capabilities and formidable destructive potential. Recently, during a conflict involving the Ukraine Air Force, the inefficacy in neutralizing these supersonic cruise missiles was brought to light. Key Points: Origin and Purpose: Originating in the 1960s within the USSR, […]

December 30, 2023

ULFA Peace Accord: A 44-Year Journey from Insurgency to Peace Talks

Introduction: Assamese Struggles and ULFA’s Genesis Assam, steeped in its distinct culture and language, witnessed a transformative shift as economic prospects drew migrants in the 19th century. This influx unsettled the indigenous populace, triggering feelings of insecurity. The Partition and subsequent refugee influx compounded these tensions. The Assam Accord of 1985 aimed to address these […]

December 30, 2023

Navy Introduces New Epaulettes: A Symbolic Shift

Introduction: In a significant move towards shedding colonial legacies, the Indian Navy recently revealed a new design for epaulettes, marking a departure from traditional customs and embracing a more culturally rooted insignia. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement during the Navy Day address at Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, set the stage for this transformative shift, unveiled on December […]

December 28, 2023

Exploring the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC)

Introduction: India’s recent participation in the sixth NSA meeting of the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) marks a significant stride in regional security collaboration among member nations. This grouping, composed of India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and Mauritius, holds pivotal importance in addressing collective security concerns. Origins and Evolution: The CSC traces its roots back to […]

December 27, 2023

Commissioning of INS Imphal: Unveiling the Capabilities and Strategic Importance of Visakhapatnam Class Destroyers

Project 15B: Evolution and Progression The Indian Navy’s latest addition, INS Imphal, marks a significant milestone as the third vessel of the Visakhapatnam class of stealth-guided missile destroyers. These vessels, part of Project 15B, signify a leap forward from their predecessors—the Kolkata and Delhi classes—in terms of development, technological advancements, and strategic significance. Project 15A […]

December 17, 2023

DRDO’s Breakthrough: Successful Flight Trial of Indigenous Autonomous Flying Wing Technology Demonstrator

Introduction The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) recently achieved a significant milestone with the successful flight trial of the Autonomous Flying Wing Technology Demonstrator in Karnataka’s Chitradurga. This cutting-edge technology showcases India’s prowess in high-speed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), marking a momentous achievement in indigenous aerospace development. Key Highlights Innovation in Design and Development […]

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Defence & Security | Vaid ICS Institute - Part 2