Daily Current Affairs Quiz for UPSC : 11 March 2025

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Daily Current Affairs Quiz for UPSC : 11 March 2025

Which of the following statements about declaring animals as “vermin” under Indian wildlife laws is/are correct?

  1. Under India’s wildlife laws, the Centre can declare specific animals as “vermin” for a limited period.
  2. Section 62 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, empowers the Centre to declare certain animals as vermin.
  3. Once declared vermin, the state is authorized to cull such animals under prescribed guidelines.

Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Chandrayaan-3’s new findings on water-ice on the Moon?

  1. Chandrayaan-3 suggests the possibility of water-ice in locations outside the Moon’s polar regions.
  2. Water-ice can only exist in areas that are permanently shadowed and at polar extremes.
  3. Inclined areas not directly exposed to the Sun could mimic polar environments and host water-ice below the surface.

Which of the following statements regarding India’s position in arms trade is/are correct?

  1. India remained the second-largest arms importer globally during 2020-2024.
  2. France accounted for 28% of India’s arms imports, surpassing Russia as India’s largest arms supplier.
  3. India received 36 Rafale fighter jets and six Scorpene-class submarines during this period.

Which of the following statements about arms trade in other Asian countries is/are correct?

  1. Pakistan’s arms imports grew by 61% compared to 2015-2019, with China as the dominant supplier.
  2. China dropped out of the top 10 arms importers for the first time since 1990-1994, reflecting its growing domestic arms industry.
  3. Japan was the largest arms importer in Asia during 2020-2024.

Which of the following best defines real wages?


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    Daily Current Affairs Quiz for UPSC : 11 March 2025 | Vaid ICS Institute