Brotherhood Alliance and United Wa State Army (UWSA)

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July 31, 2024

Brotherhood Alliance and United Wa State Army (UWSA)

United Wa State Army (UWSA):

The United Wa State Army (UWSA) is a powerful ethnic armed group in Myanmar, operating primarily in the Wa Self-Administered Division. It’s the military wing of the United Wa State Party (UWSP), which effectively governs the region.

  • Key points about the UWSA:
    • Well-equipped and organized with an estimated 20,000-30,000 soldiers.
    • Strong ties to China, which provides significant support.
    • Has maintained a complex relationship with the Myanmar government, often cooperating but also maintaining autonomy.
    • Involved in various economic activities, including drug production and trade, though the extent is disputed.

Brotherhood Alliance

The Brotherhood Alliance is a loose coalition of ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) in Myanmar, formed in 2017. It includes groups like the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Arakan Army (AA), and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA).

Key points about the Brotherhood Alliance:

    • Aims to achieve political rights and autonomy for ethnic minorities in Myanmar.
    • Frequently clashes with the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw).
    • Has complex relationships with other EAOs, including the UWSA.

Relationship between UWSA and Brotherhood Alliance

The relationship between the UWSA and the Brotherhood Alliance is complex and evolving. While they share common goals of autonomy and self-determination for ethnic minorities, they also have distinct interests and strategies.

  • Cooperation: The UWSA has sometimes cooperated with the Brotherhood Alliance, particularly in the context of opposing the Myanmar military.
  • Competition: There is also competition between the groups, as they vie for influence and territory.
  • Neutrality: The UWSA has often maintained a neutral stance, avoiding direct involvement in conflicts between the Brotherhood Alliance and the Myanmar military.

Recent Developments:

The UWSA has been expanding its territory in recent months, including taking control of several towns in northern Shan State. This expansion has raised concerns about its growing influence and potential impact on the balance of power in the region.

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