What is National Curriculum Framework (NCF)?

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June 17, 2024

What is National Curriculum Framework (NCF)?

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) in India is a crucial document that guides the development of school curriculums across the country. It’s closely linked to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.


  • Transforming Education: The NCF aims to translate the vision of NEP 2020 into actionable steps for school education. It outlines the desired learning outcomes and pedagogical approaches to achieve a more holistic and engaging learning experience.
  • Shaping Aims of Education: NCF draws on the aims of education articulated in NEP 2020. These aims guide the development of curriculum goals that determine the content and structure of what students learn.
  • Framework for Curriculum Development: The NCF provides a framework for creating relevant, meaningful, and responsive curriculums that cater to the diverse needs of students in India’s vast educational landscape.


  • Holistic Development: The NCF emphasizes moving beyond rote learning and promotes a holistic development of students, focusing on cognitive, social, emotional, and physical well-being.
  • Student-Centric Learning: It encourages a shift towards student-centered learning approaches, where students are actively involved in the learning process, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Inclusive Education: The framework promotes inclusive education practices, ensuring all students, regardless of background or ability, have access to quality education and opportunities to thrive.
  • Flexibility: The NCF allows for flexibility in curriculum design by different boards and schools within the overall framework. This enables tailoring education to local contexts and student needs.
  • Continuous Improvement: The NCF serves as a guiding document for continuous improvement in curriculum development and teaching practices, ensuring the education system stays relevant and adapts to evolving needs.

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What is National Curriculum Framework (NCF)? | Vaid ICS Institute