About the United Provinces Excise Act, 1910:

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May 9, 2024

About the United Provinces Excise Act, 1910:

It was a legislation enacted in British India to regulate the production, distribution, possession, and consumption of intoxicating liquors and drugs within the United Provinces, which roughly corresponds to the present-day state of Uttar Pradesh in India.

It defined terms like “excise revenue,” “excise officer,” “liquor,” and “intoxicating drug.”

What is Liquor?

The Act defines liquor broadly as any intoxicating beverage, including:

Spirits: Distilled alcoholic drinks like whiskey, vodka, and rum.

Wine: Alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes or other fruits.

Beer: Fermented malt beverage with lower alcohol content.

Tari: Fermented or unfermented juice from palm trees.

Pachwai: Fermented rice, millet, or other grains, including any liquids derived from them.

What is Intoxicating Drug?

The Act likely addresses specific drugs, but the definition might be broad and may include:

Cannabis: Hemp plant and its derivatives, including marijuana and hashish.

Opium and its derivatives: Including heroin and morphine.

Other substances: The Act might empower the state government to declare additional substances as intoxicating drugs..

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About the United Provinces Excise Act, 1910: | Vaid ICS Institute