Beyond Minimum Support Prices (MSPs): Understanding the Plight of Indian Farmers

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February 21, 2024

Beyond Minimum Support Prices (MSPs): Understanding the Plight of Indian Farmers

The ongoing debates surrounding Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) in India merely scratch the surface of a profound agricultural crisis. While farmer protests clamor for legal assurances on MSPs, the underlying issues extend far beyond this singular policy aspect. Delving deeper reveals a landscape where Indian agriculture has long been unrewarding for the majority of farmers. Let’s explore some fundamental realities about Indian agriculture to provide context to the current discourse.

  1. Agriculture’s Diminished Economic Role
  • At India’s independence, agriculture engaged 70% of the workforce and contributed 54% to the GDP.
  • Over time, its contribution to the GDP plummeted to less than 18%, despite a modest decline in the workforce’s agricultural involvement to around 55%.
  1. Shift in Labor Dynamics
  • The proportion of cultivators has dwindled from 72% in 1951 to 45% in 2011, while agricultural laborers have surged to nearly 55%.
  • This shift underscores the increasing challenges and impracticality of farming, with many farmers relegated to wage laborers rather than landowners.
  1. Predominance of Small Holdings and Debt Burdens
  • Most farmers possess small and marginal land holdings, with nearly half of them burdened by debt.
  • Around 70% of agricultural households own less than one hectare of land, exacerbating financial vulnerabilities.
  1. Subsistence Incomes and Widespread Indebtedness
  • Nationally, the average monthly income per agricultural household is Rs 10,218, with 50% of such households grappling with debt.
  1. Unfavorable Terms of Trade
  • The Terms of Trade (ToT) between farmers and non-farmers, reflecting input and output prices, have fluctuated, often disadvantaging farmers.
  1. Limited Global Support Comparison
  • Contrary to perceptions, Indian farmers receive comparatively minimal financial support, ranking poorly in terms of producer protection and agricultural support.

Conclusion: Addressing Systemic Challenges

  • The MSP debate, while crucial, merely scratches the surface of India’s agricultural woes. Structural issues, accumulated over time, necessitate holistic solutions beyond mere MSP adjustments. Raising MSPs alone may not suffice, given the complex web of challenges including small landholdings, mounting debts, and unfavorable terms of trade. Sustainable remedies demand comprehensive policy interventions addressing farmers’ financial insecurities, access to resources, and market bargaining power. As India navigates its agricultural future, a multifaceted approach balancing policy reforms and sectoral diversification remains imperative.

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Beyond Minimum Support Prices (MSPs): Understanding the Plight of Indian Farmers | Vaid ICS Institute