Oscar Pistorius: A Controversial Paralympic Star’s Case

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January 6, 2024

Oscar Pistorius: A Controversial Paralympic Star’s Case


  • Oscar Pistorius, a renowned Paralympic athlete, was recently released on parole after serving over seven years for the fatal shooting of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. His case sparked global attention due to its complexities and the athlete’s assertions.

Background of the Case

  • Pistorius shot Steenkamp through a locked bathroom door at his Pretoria home in 2013, claiming he mistook her for an intruder. He testified that, in the dark, he believed an intruder had entered, leading him to grab a pistol and fire through the door, only realizing afterward that he had shot Steenkamp.

Legal Proceedings and Conviction

  • Initially convicted of culpable homicide, Pistorius was later found guilty of murder after an appeal overturned the initial ruling. His sentence was increased significantly to 13 years and 5 months, considered more fitting by the court.

Release on Parole

  • Following South African law, Pistorius became eligible for parole after serving half of his sentence. He is now expected to reside with his family in Pretoria, adhering to strict conditions, including rehabilitation programs and abstaining from alcohol and prohibited substances.

Who is Oscar Pistorius?

  • Pistorius, born without fibulas, became a Paralympic icon despite his double amputation below the knees. Earning the moniker “Blade Runner,” he secured Paralympic gold medals and notably competed in the 2012 London Olympics, a first for a double amputee.


  • Oscar Pistorius’s journey, from Paralympic triumphs to a tragic legal battle, remains a complex and debated topic, culminating in his recent release on parole.

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Oscar Pistorius: A Controversial Paralympic Star’s Case | Vaid ICS Institute