Similipal Kai Chutney: A Geographically Identified Savory Delight

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January 5, 2024

Similipal Kai Chutney: A Geographically Identified Savory Delight


  • The indigenous people of Odisha’s Mayurbhanj district have long celebrated the unique and nutritious Similipal Kai Chutney, crafted from the red weaver ants recently bestowed with a geographical identity tag. This savory delight isn’t just a culinary treat; it holds revered healing properties and nutritional significance within the region.

Cultural Importance and Nutritional Value

  • Renowned across Mayurbhanj, this chutney stands as a symbol of healing and nutritional security for the tribal populace. A considerable number of indigenous individuals from the district journey into the neighboring forests to harvest the kai pimpudi, commonly known as red weaver ants, fostering a livelihood for around 500 tribal families.
  • The health benefits of these ants are manifold. Scientific analysis has revealed a wealth of essential nutrients within them, including proteins, calcium, zinc, vitamin B-12, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, and various amino acids. Consumption of this species bolsters the immune system and serves as a preventive measure against numerous ailments.

Traditional Healing Practices

  • The tribal healers ingeniously concoct a medicinal oil by immersing the ants in pure mustard oil, letting the mixture steep for a month. This infusion becomes a potent remedy, utilized as body oil for infants and as a treatment for conditions such as rheumatism, gout, ringworm, and other diseases among the tribes. Furthermore, the locals incorporate this chutney into their diets as a means to maintain vitality and robust health.

Insights into Red Weaver Ants

  • Endemic to Mayurbhanj, these red weaver ants thrive abundantly in the forests of the district, including the revered Similipal Tiger Reserve, throughout the year. Constructing colonies in trees, they weave nests using leaves bound together with silk produced by their larvae.
  • These nests, resilient against wind and impervious to water, predominantly inhabit trees like mango, sal, jambu, and jackfruit. Exhibiting diverse sizes and elliptical shapes, the nests range from single folded leaves to larger structures comprising multiple leaves.

Unique Weaver Ant Communities

  • The Kai families feature a hierarchy of three distinct categories: workers, major workers, and queens, primarily adorned in shades of orange. Each category contributes to the cohesive functioning of these ant colonies, symbolizing a harmonious coexistence with nature.


  • The recognition of Similipal Kai Chutney and the red weaver ants marks a cultural milestone, preserving traditional knowledge and offering invaluable insights into the region’s indigenous practices. Beyond a culinary delight, this chutney represents a union of cultural heritage, healing traditions, and nutritional sustenance for the tribal communities of Mayurbhanj.

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Similipal Kai Chutney: A Geographically Identified Savory Delight | Vaid ICS Institute