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Which of the following statements regarding volcanic activity and Iceland are correct?

  1. Iceland experiences frequent volcanic eruptions, with a historical occurrence rate of approximately one eruption every five years.
  2. Volcanic activity in Iceland is attributed to its location on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the Eurasian and North American plates gradually move apart.
  3. Shield volcanoes, characterized by steep slopes and cone-like shapes, dominate the landscape of Iceland.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

Which statements are correct regarding the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill, 2023?

  • The BNS introduces provisions to criminalize deceitful promises of marriage, encompassing consensual sexual activity as well, with penalties extending up to ten years of imprisonment.
  • Under the BNS, the offense of mob lynching is codified, with penalties ranging from seven years to life imprisonment, as suggested in the initial version of the bill.
  • The BNS addresses organized crime within the ambit of ordinary criminal law, prescribing the same punishment for attempts to commit organized crime, irrespective of whether fatalities occur.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

Which of the following statements regarding the Winter Session of the Parliament are correct?

  1. The Winter Session saw a considerable increase in the percentage of scheduled time spent functioning compared to the previous Budget and Monsoon sessions of the current term.
  2. The Lok Sabha passed the Central Universities (Amendment) Bill after a lengthy discussion lasting over 5 hours.
  3. The Rajya Sabha introduced no new bills during the Winter Session, marking the fifth instance since 2019.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

Regarding the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill, 2023, which statement is correct?

What distinguishes a gyrocopter, as mentioned in Uttarakhand’s tourism plans?

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