The Supreme Court’s Endorsement of Article 370 Abrogation: A Legal Victory for Modi Government’s Approach

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December 14, 2023

The Supreme Court’s Endorsement of Article 370 Abrogation: A Legal Victory for Modi Government’s Approach

Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes on abrogation of Article 370 being upheld: Has SC  established a dangerous precedent for federalism? | The Indian Express


  • The recent Supreme Court validation of Article 370’s abrogation in Jammu and Kashmir signifies a significant legal triumph, reinforcing the unwavering stance of the Narendra Modi-led government. This landmark judgment delves into historical complexities, debates on federalism, and emphasizes the pressing need for genuine political reconciliation within the region.

Key Facts

  • Validation of Abrogation: The Supreme Court’s judgment stands as a pivotal moment, upholding the government’s decision to revoke Article 370, showcasing a firm commitment to Jammu and Kashmir’s integration into the Indian Union.
  • Navigating Historical Ambiguities: The decision addresses historical intricacies and legal complexities, affirming that these factors should not impede the government’s vision for the region’s relationship with India.
  • Political History Evaluation: Public perception of this judgment is intertwined with the unfolding political narrative. Is it seen as a reinforcement of alleged betrayal in Jammu and Kashmir, or does it set potentially risky precedents for federalism and judiciary credibility?
  • Integration or Incremental Steps?: Debates arise about whether this marks the definitive integration of the state into India’s constitutional framework or merely an advancement from previous partial measures considering Article 370’s special status.
  • Valley’s Reaction: The subdued response in the Valley prompts scrutiny. Is it a sign of acceptance, a restrained victory, or an opportunity, as suggested by Justice Kaul, for truth and reconciliation?

Key Challenges

  • Federalism and Judicial Authority: The Court’s non-engagement with the downgrading of Jammu and Kashmir to a Union Territory raises concerns about upholding constitutional principles regarding Indian federalism.
  • Constitutional Amendments Concern: Vague promises regarding statehood restoration raise concerns about potential constitutional amendments through indirect means, posing challenges to the integrity of the process.

Key Aspects and Quotes

  • The Court’s emphasis on Article 370’s transitory nature justifies its abrogation without the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly’s consent.
  • Justice Kaul’s proposal for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission underlines the necessity for an honest confrontation with the region’s complex history.

Critical Analysis

  • The Court’s focus on procedural aspects and historical context while sidestepping federalism concerns offers a nuanced view of its role in interpreting constitutional provisions.
  • Acceptance of open-ended promises raises questions about government accountability and potential misuse of constitutional powers.

Way Forward

  • Authentic political reconciliation becomes imperative in the absence of a force capable of fostering genuine dialogue and resolution.
  • The evolving Indian political landscape and the Court’s role in balancing constitutional challenges while preserving regional identity remain pivotal for the future.


  • The Supreme Court’s validation of Article 370’s abrogation is a significant legal milestone for the Modi government. However, it poses challenges regarding federalism, judicial authority, and the path towards genuine reconciliation in Jammu and Kashmir. This judgment prompts introspection on India’s constitutional evolution and the intricate balance between national integration and regional autonomy.

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The Supreme Court’s Endorsement of Article 370 Abrogation: A Legal Victory for Modi Government’s Approach | Vaid ICS Institute