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Which of the following statements regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on Article 370 are correct?

  1. The Court affirmed that Jammu and Kashmir retained its sovereignty upon acceding to India in 1947, distinct from other princely states.
  2. Chief Justice Chandrachud and Justice Kaul concurred that Article 370 was a temporary provision.
  3. The Court invalidated the process through which President Ram Nath Kovind abrogated Article 370 in August 2019.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

Regarding the EU’s AI Act, identify the correct statements:

  1. The legislation categorizes AI applications into three risk classes.
  2. High-risk AI applications, like self-driving cars, demand certification and public scrutiny.
  3. The UK’s regulatory approach mirrors the stringent categorization model adopted by the EU.

How many of the above statements is/are NOT correct?

Which of the following statements regarding Jammu and Kashmir’s historical classifications and legislative changes are true?

  • Maharaja Hari Singh’s Government Order No. I-L/84, issued in 1927, categorized inhabitants into four classes based on their settlement history within J&K.
  • The legislative actions in the 1980s, led by Sheikh Abdullah’s government, aimed to facilitate the return of certain migrants as permanent residents but faced legal challenges from the Supreme Court.
  • The concept of “domiciles” in J&K was introduced prior to the amendment of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the region into two Union Territories.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

Which of the following statements best defines the “Basic Structure Doctrine” in the context of the Indian Constitution?

Which statement accurately describes the role of INTERPOL?

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