Empowering Gram Panchayats: Unveiling the Gram Manchitra Application

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December 7, 2023

Empowering Gram Panchayats: Unveiling the Gram Manchitra Application

Ministry of Panchayati Raj unveils GIS application to empower Gram  Panchayats | DD News


  • The recent announcement in the Lok Sabha by the Union Minister of State for Panchayati Raj shed light on the innovative initiative known as the Gram Manchitra application. This Geographic Information System (GIS) tool, introduced by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, aims to revolutionize spatial planning within Gram Panchayats.

The Essence of Gram Manchitra

  • The primary objective of the Gram Manchitra application is to harness the potential of geo-spatial technology, empowering Gram Panchayats to engage in comprehensive planning at their level. By providing a unified platform, it facilitates visualizing diverse developmental initiatives across multiple sectors. Its key role lies in offering a decision support system for the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP).

Features and Functionalities

  • One notable addition is the introduction of mActionSoft, a mobile-based solution that aids in capturing geo-tagged photos using GPS coordinates. This solution operates in three stages: before the commencement, during the execution, and upon completion of any task. This process generates a comprehensive repository of information related to various developmental works encompassing natural resource management, sanitation, water harvesting, agriculture, and more.

Integration and Accessibility

  • Assets geo-tagged via the mActionSoft application are seamlessly integrated into the Gram Manchitra platform. This integration significantly enhances the visualization of developmental projects within Gram Panchayats. Furthermore, assets created using funds allocated by the finance commission are geotagged, accompanied by photographic documentation, reinforcing transparency and accountability within Panchayats.

Significance and Impact

  • The introduction of these tools equips Gram Panchayat officials with the necessary resources to craft pragmatic and attainable development plans. This innovative system provides a robust decision support mechanism, aiding in the identification of potential development sites, asset tracking, cost estimation, and impact assessment of various projects.


  • The Gram Manchitra application stands as a pivotal advancement, enabling Gram Panchayats to elevate their planning and execution processes. Its integration of technology not only streamlines developmental initiatives but also fosters transparency and efficiency within the realm of local governance.

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Empowering Gram Panchayats: Unveiling the Gram Manchitra Application | Vaid ICS Institute