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  1. Which of the following statements regarding ALTÉRRA Fund, established by the United Arab Emirates for climate investments, are correct?
  • ALTÉRRA Fund aims to mobilize US$250 billion globally by 2030 and is focused on transforming emerging markets and developing economies through climate investments.
  • An initial allocation of the fund is dedicated to developing over 6.0 GW of new clean energy capacity in India, including 1,200 MW of wind and solar projects expected to be operational by 2025.
  • The ALTÉRRA Fund primarily focuses on funding space exploration projects to combat climate change.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. Which of the following statements about India’s sugar industry is/are correct?
  • India recently overtook China as the world’s leading sugar producer.
  • Pressmud, a byproduct of sugar production, is primarily recycled as manure.
  • Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra are the primary states contributing to India’s sugarcane cultivation.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. Which statement accurately describes the XPoSat mission by ISRO?
  • XPoSat aims to measure X-ray polarization in the 8-30 keV energy band and conduct long-term studies in the 0.8-15 keV band, equipped with two scientific payloads.
  • XPoSat’s primary objective is to study gamma-ray bursts in the Earth’s magnetosphere, operating solely during the Earth’s daylight hours.
  • XPoSat’s POLIX payload is designed to assess ultraviolet radiation characteristics in space, developed in collaboration with Bengaluru’s U.R. Rao Satellite Centre.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

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