Mandatory Biogas Blending for Domestic Energy Sustainability

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November 28, 2023

Mandatory Biogas Blending for Domestic Energy Sustainability

Centre announces phased introduction of biogas blending for domestic use


  • The Indian government is gearing up to fortify its energy sustainability with a strategic move—mandating the blending of compressed biogas (CBG) with natural gas. This progressive initiative aims to significantly diminish the nation’s dependence on natural gas imports while concurrently reducing emissions.

Phased Implementation

Initial Phase (April 2025)

  • Commencing the mandatory blending at a 1% ratio marks the initial step. This blend is tailored for diverse applications, including vehicular use and household consumption.

Progressive Increase (By 2028)

  • The government envisions a gradual escalation of the mandatory blending percentage, targeting approximately 5% by 2028. This strategic progression aims to further diminish reliance on pure natural gas.

Motivation Behind the Move

  • The rationale for this substantial shift lies in India’s current energy landscape. As one of the world’s prominent importers of oil and gas, with almost half of its gas consumption relying on imports, this blending initiative emerges as a pivotal strategy. Its primary objectives are curbing import expenses and bolstering energy security while aligning with India’s overarching ambition of achieving net-zero emissions by 2070.

Comparative Analysis: Biogas, Natural Gas, and LPG

Aspect Biogas Natural Gas LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
Composition Organic matter decomposition, notably methane & CO2 Primarily fossil fuel (methane) Byproduct of natural gas processing (propane, butane)
Production Anaerobic digestion of organic waste Extracted from underground, requiring refining Obtained during natural gas processing and refining
Energy Content Lower due to high CO2 content High, efficient for heating and power High per volume, efficient in liquefied state
Environmental Impact Renewable, carbon-neutral Cleaner than coal/oil but emits greenhouse gases Fewer pollutants than gasoline/diesel, emits greenhouse gases
Uses Heating, electricity, vehicle fuel, cooking (rural) Heating, electricity, industrial processes, vehicle fuel Heating, cooking, vehicles, industrial applications
Storage/Transport Stored as gas or liquid; requires tanks Pipelines for gas; LNG for long-distance transport Pressurized tanks as liquid


  • This strategic introduction of mandatory biogas blending with natural gas holds immense promise for India’s energy future. It not only addresses the pressing concerns of import dependence and emissions but also lays the groundwork for a more sustainable and resilient energy landscape.

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