Alycaeus himalayae: A Newly Discovered Snail Species in the Himalayas

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November 7, 2023

Alycaeus himalayae: A Newly Discovered Snail Species in the Himalayas

Alycaeus - Wikipedia


  • Alycaeus himalayae, recently identified as a distinct snail species within the Alycaeus genus, marks a significant discovery in the field of malacology. This genus, comprising small land snails, had not previously been reported in India, making this finding particularly noteworthy. This article delves into the distinguishing features of this newfound species and highlights its unique characteristics in comparison to its closest counterparts.

The Genus Alycaeus: An Overview:

  • Alycaeus is a genus primarily found in Southeast Asia, with established populations in Laos, Vietnam, southern Thailand, and Peninsular Malaysia. Notably, this genus had not been documented in India until the recent discovery of Alycaeus himalayae. Its introduction to the region adds a novel dimension to the biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent.

Unique Characteristics of Alycaeus himalayae:

  1. Distinctive Shell Morphology:
  • Unlike other Himalayan alycaeid species, Alycaeus himalayae stands out due to its conical shell, which exhibits a distinctive yellowish hue. This feature sets it apart from its regional counterparts, making it an intriguing subject for further study.
  1. Closest Relative: Stomacosmethis spratti:
  • The closest known shell morphology in the vicinity is that of Stomacosmethis spratti, a snail species indigenous to the Shan States in Myanmar. Despite their proximity, Alycaeus himalayae maintains discernible differences, emphasizing its uniqueness within the Alycaeus genus.
  1. Operculum Characteristics:
  • One of the most notable distinctions of Alycaeus himalayae is the presence of a trumpet-like projection on the outer side of the operculum. This feature sets it apart from all other Alycaeus species, further solidifying its status as a distinctive entity within the genus.

Geographic Significance:

  • Alycaeus himalayae is currently the sole representative of the Alycaeus genus in the Himalayan region. This solitary presence highlights the species’ ecological significance and underscores the importance of continued research in understanding its behavior, habitat, and interactions within this unique ecosystem.


  • The discovery of Alycaeus himalayae expands our understanding of the biodiversity in the Himalayan region, shedding light on a previously undocumented facet of its ecosystem. This newly identified snail species, with its distinctive features and singular presence in the region, invites further exploration and study. As researchers delve deeper into the life and habitat of Alycaeus himalayae, we anticipate additional revelations about this intriguing addition to the Indian malacological landscape.

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Alycaeus himalayae: A Newly Discovered Snail Species in the Himalayas | Vaid ICS Institute