India’s ISI7017 (Part 2 / Sec 7) 2023 Standard: Pioneering AC/DC Integration for Light Electric Vehicles

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October 27, 2023

India’s ISI7017 (Part 2 / Sec 7) 2023 Standard: Pioneering AC/DC Integration for Light Electric Vehicles

New EV Charging Standard for Bikes and Scooters - Civilsdaily


  • India’s Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has recently approved a groundbreaking charging connector standard, ISI7017 (Part 2 / Sec 7): 2023, tailored for light electric vehicles (LEVs) such as scooters, bikes, and rickshaws. This standard revolutionizes EV charging by seamlessly integrating alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) technologies, a global first of its kind. The objective is to enhance charging convenience and interoperability, akin to universal mobile phone charging standards, for EV users in India.

AC and DC Integration for LEVs:

  • ISI7017 (Part 2 / Sec 7) 2023 represents a significant leap forward by merging AC and DC charging technologies, specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of two-wheelers and rickshaws. Unlike existing norms primarily tailored for four-wheelers, this standard sets a new precedent in catering to the distinct needs of these lighter vehicles.

Interoperability Advantages:

  • The integration of AC and DC charging in this standard offers compelling interoperability benefits, accommodating a wide array of EV models and charging infrastructure providers. This move aligns with global trends prioritizing seamless EV charging experiences, contributing to the evolution of the EV ecosystem in India.

The Need for a National Standard in India:

  • In contrast to other countries, India currently lacks a mandate for EV manufacturers to adhere to a specific charging connector standard. This has led companies like Ola Electric, Ather Energy, and Ultraviolette Automotive to employ different charging standards for their EVs. The proliferation of diverse standards complicates the establishment of public charging stations, exacerbating range anxiety – a concern that EVs may run out of charge with limited charging options.

Role of the National Standard:

  • While ISI7017 (Part 2 / Sec 7) 2023 consolidates AC and DC charging requirements, it does not enforce uniformity across all EV makers. This remains a critical factor in addressing range anxiety and stimulating widespread EV adoption. A unified national standard would play a pivotal role in harmonizing charging infrastructure and assuaging consumer apprehensions.

Global Charging Connector Scenarios:

  • China’s National Standard (GB/T), the United States’ Collaborative Efforts (North American Charging Standard), Europe’s CCS Standard, and Japan’s CHAdeMO Standard provide valuable insights into diverse global approaches to charging connector standards. Each region’s strategies contribute to the evolution of their respective EV markets.


  • India’s pioneering AC/DC combined charging connector standard, ISI7017 (Part 2 / Sec 7) 2023, represents a monumental stride towards streamlining EV charging infrastructure. While it introduces impressive interoperability advantages, addressing the challenge of diverse charging standards across EV manufacturers remains paramount. Establishing a unified national standard is essential in driving widespread EV adoption and fostering a robust charging ecosystem in India.

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India’s ISI7017 (Part 2 / Sec 7) 2023 Standard: Pioneering AC/DC Integration for Light Electric Vehicles | Vaid ICS Institute